Jeff Bates

簡介: 在過去,鄉(xiāng)村歌手多半來自貧困的家庭,而鄉(xiāng)村歌曲也往往都以實際生活中的困頓、與因而帶來的啟發(fā)為素材。自從商業(yè)文化興起後,鄉(xiāng)村歌壇已經(jīng)大大走樣。有人說,Jeff Bates 的出現(xiàn),將帶領鄉(xiāng)村音樂回歸昔日的特色。來自密西西比的 Bates,嬰孩時期就被生母拋棄,由一對佃農(nóng)夫妻收養(yǎng)。他 更多>

在過去,鄉(xiāng)村歌手多半來自貧困的家庭,而鄉(xiāng)村歌曲也往往都以實際生活中的困頓、與因而帶來的啟發(fā)為素材。自從商業(yè)文化興起後,鄉(xiāng)村歌壇已經(jīng)大大走樣。有人說,Jeff Bates 的出現(xiàn),將帶領鄉(xiāng)村音樂回歸昔日的特色。來自密西西比的 Bates,嬰孩時期就被生母拋棄,由一對佃農(nóng)夫妻收養(yǎng)。他從小展現(xiàn)音樂天賦,在電視上看到貓王後,更決心要成為歌手。1993 年,他組成自己的樂隊,四處巡回、同時作曲,甚至得到納許維爾音樂界的賞識,但由於聽信妻子的建議,他返鄉(xiāng)發(fā)展,結(jié)果卻沈淪下來,還因為染上毒癮,到處偷竊樂器換取毒品而入獄。出獄之後,在好友的鼓勵下,他力圖振作,先是 Tracy Lawrence 唱紅了他的「What a Memory」,接著更得到 RCA 的合約,在 2003 年推出首張個人專輯『Rainbow Man』,打進鄉(xiāng)村專輯排行前二十名,甚至奪下「潛力榜」的冠軍,獲得很高的評價。不堪的過去,使他學會了謙卑,保持低調(diào),直到 2006 年才發(fā)表第二張專輯『Leave the Light on』。 這回,他繼續(xù)以渾厚的男中音,感性而又質(zhì)樸的唱出生命中各種層面的感受,而且更接近傳統(tǒng)的鄉(xiāng)村風味。來自上一張專輯的「Long Slow Kiss」經(jīng)過重新剪輯,連說帶唱的表現(xiàn)出一個男人應該重視妻子真正的盼望。標題歌「Leave the Light on」浪漫的唱出一個男人迫不及待的想要回家與愛妻溫存,「Good People」愉快的指出,在玩世不恭的表面下,很多人的本性其實是很善良的?!窽he Woman He Walked On」帶有 George Jones 那種傷感的小酒館情歌特質(zhì),令人感動?!窻ub It In」翻唱自 Billy Crash Craddock 的 70 年代暢銷經(jīng)典,有著耳目一新的表現(xiàn),「I Can’t Write That」是一個創(chuàng)作歌手的感嘆,他無法寫下妻子離去的故事,只能透過歌聲來表達,而「Mama Was a Lot Like Jesus」更再度唱出了對母愛的歌頌。
Jeff Bates was only 17 when he entered a honky tonk in his hometown of Bunker Hill, MS. He wasn't there for the smoking, drinking, or rabble-rousing; he was there to audition, hoping to land a show or two. The audience went wild for his voice -- a mix of Barry White, Elvis Presley, and Otis Redding -- and before he knew it, Bates was offered a six-nights-a-week gig. All signs pointed to Nashville, but before he would get there, Bates had to battle a crippling methamphetamine addiction that eventually landed him in jail. He experienced a spiritual awakening while locked up and emerged from jail not only clean and sober, but also driven and ambitious in a way he never was before. Moving to Nashville and doubling his work ethic, Bates caught the ear of the RCA label and landed a record deal in 2002. The label issued his debut, Rainbow Man, in 2003 and his sophomore effort, Good People, in 2005. He kicked off the promotional campaign for his 2006 release, Leave the Light On, by performing the album's single, "One Second Chance," live at the Grand Old Opry.