Inner Missing

簡介: 俄國死亡金屬樂隊,組建于2008年
Sigmund - Vocals, Guitar
Vitaliy - Guitar
Alexander - Keyboards
Bjorn - Bass
Jimmy - Dr 更多>

Sigmund - Vocals, Guitar
Vitaliy - Guitar
Alexander - Keyboards
Bjorn - Bass
Jimmy - Drums (Frosted Glass, Mavros Theos, Silvercast, Lunae Ortus)
The band was formed in spring of 2008. In the beginning it was a studio project which included only two members - Sigmund (vocals, guitars, bass) and Cosmic Drone (keyboards). The band was called Odium. It recorded demo "Decay" which included three songs and recieved many positive opinions. In autumn of 2008 the line-up was formed and the band change its name to Inner Missing. In december of 2008 Inner Missing records its first EP "All the lifeless".