
簡介: Real Name:Evgenij V. Kharitonov
Profile:EugeneKha – the electronic project created in 2007 by the Russian musician, the poet, sound and 更多>

Real Name:Evgenij V. Kharitonov
Profile:EugeneKha – the electronic project created in 2007 by the Russian musician, the poet, sound and visual poet and researcher of SF Evgenij V. Kharitonov. EugeneKha it is focused on electronic music of a wide range – from Ambient and Experimental to House and Electronic Pop-Art. Evgenij V. Kharitonov acts with musical projects from the end of 1980th years, played rock music, in 2000 was engaged in electronic experimental music - both under the name, and in projects EugeneKha, MICROBIT PROJECT and YOKO ABSORBING. On many international netlabels has let out nearby 100 releases in various directions of electronic music and sound poetry. Is as the operator own netlabels MICROBIT RECORDS (lowbit sound) and ANOTHER HEMISPHERE RECORDS (world sound poetry and audio art), lets out magazine of literary and art avant-guard Another Hemisphere [Drugoe Polusharie] and audio magazine of world sound poetry and video art “arTronic ’, is the organizer of festivals experimental and sound poetry LAPA AZORA. The author of many poetry world publications and of many critical publications devoted SF to the literature and cinema.