
簡(jiǎn)介: 小簡(jiǎn)介
An idea can gather poeple under its wings, it can feed on their energy, it can die if deserted by people.An idea can be reborn from 更多>

An idea can gather poeple under its wings, it can feed on their energy, it can die if deserted by people.An idea can be reborn from its own ashes, like the Phoenix. Raza was an idea, it bloomed and it nearly died because some were bored with paying it attention. Others fought to keep it alive and blossoming. Raza is our idea, our reason and our way through to you. O idee poate sa adune sub aripile ei oamenii, se poate hrani cu energia lor, poate sa moara daca oamenii o parasesc.O idee poate renaste, precum Phoenix din propria cenusa. Raza a fost ideea unor oameni, a crescut frumos, si a fost pe cale sa moara pentru ca unii dintre ei s-au plictisit sa-i acorde atentie. Altii, insa, s-au incapatanat sa o mentina vie si sa o faca stralucitoare. Raza este ideea noastra, argumentul nostru, si privilegiul de a ne adresa dumneavoastra Signed: Elena, David, Ovidiu, Andrei,Lavinia? There is a place where, besides being a music consumer, you can become a music producer (even with $10). Get on www.sellaband.com/razacom , listen to RAZA, and if you like what you hear, and you think we would be a good investment, buy "parts" (which can also bring you profit) and be there for us in our way to success. Sellaband is a comunity where the single criteria of assessment is competence. RAZA is proud to invite you in this comunity, so if you have time, please visit us on www.sellaband.com/razacom and BELIEVE!!!