The Ordinary Boys

簡介: 小簡介
一組不俗的樂團(tuán)、絕對年輕且十足個性的帶出毫不乏味之搖滾自信聲調(diào),或許經(jīng)過多年的音樂不斷洗禮之下,樂曲風(fēng)格也隨著世代不同,而有著嶄新的變換,快速變遷的快餐音樂需求,造就多位音樂革命英雄,經(jīng)過媒體雜志極盡所能的大肆發(fā)揮吹捧之能事,讓樂迷也在頭昏眼花不知所措之下,很可 更多>

一組不俗的樂團(tuán)、絕對年輕且十足個性的帶出毫不乏味之搖滾自信聲調(diào),或許經(jīng)過多年的音樂不斷洗禮之下,樂曲風(fēng)格也隨著世代不同,而有著嶄新的變換,快速變遷的快餐音樂需求,造就多位音樂革命英雄,經(jīng)過媒體雜志極盡所能的大肆發(fā)揮吹捧之能事,讓樂迷也在頭昏眼花不知所措之下,很可能就這么錯過身旁溜過的一組組優(yōu)秀樂團(tuán),經(jīng)過一連串的耐力考驗下,The Ordinary Boys雖有著令人稱羨的亮眼表現(xiàn),更不予以理會別人怎么在他們身上貼下似曾相識的音樂卷標(biāo)。
這組來自英國Brighton由Preston(主唱/吉他手)、William J Brown(主奏吉他、合音)、Charlie Stanley(鼓手)及James Gregory(貝斯手)四位年紀(jì)輕輕的熱血小伙子所組成之The Ordinary Boys,毫不沾沾自喜首次出擊的表現(xiàn),他們希望這不是短暫的曇花一現(xiàn),也不希望是在煽情文字驅(qū)使下而購買他們的音樂,The Ordinary Boys更要開出雙倍火力,大膽涉入更為多元的實驗式曲風(fēng),企盼能夠在搖滾舞臺上站的更穩(wěn)健更踏實,讓你耳朵為之一開,真正享受聽到好音樂的喜悅,著實展現(xiàn)The Ordinary Boys不凡之氣魄!
by MacKenzie WilsonThe brash indie rock sounds of the Ordinary Boys come from Sam Preston (vocals, guitar), William J. Brown (guitar, vocals), Charles Stanley (drums), and James Gregory (bass). Inspired by the Kinks, the Jam, and the Smiths, the foursome formed the Ordinary Boys in Worthing, England, near Brighton, in spring 2002. They'd already been playing in various bands since their early teenage years, and obviously took their name from the Morrissey song; however, the Ordinary Boys attempted to survive the responsibilities of having normal nine-to-five lives before ever pursuing a career in music. By the time they reached their early twenties, the four childhood mates wooed their native England with their swaggering post-punk/pop style of music. Dates supporting stellastarr* and the Thrills as well an appearance on the BBC Radio 1 show Live in Brighton positioned the Ordinary Boys to gain national attention. Their debut single, Maybe Someday, arrived on B-Unique in February 2004; it also marked the band's debut with legendary producer Stephen Street. The cheeky second single, Week in Week Out, followed two months later. It was the band's first chart hit, going Top 40 in the U.K. Performances at T in the Park in Glasgow and Glastonbury in Reading coincided with the August 2004 release of the Ordinary Boys' debut album, Over the Counter Culture.