Coconut Records

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07年,Jason Schwartzman創(chuàng)造了個(gè)可以說(shuō)出色的藝人Coconut Records.Schwartzman曾是Phantom Planet樂(lè)隊(duì)的鼓手,離開(kāi)樂(lè)隊(duì)后繼續(xù)著一些電影音樂(lè)創(chuàng)作,在Ben Lee的05年專(zhuān)輯"Awake Is the New 更多>

07年,Jason Schwartzman創(chuàng)造了個(gè)可以說(shuō)出色的藝人Coconut Records.Schwartzman曾是Phantom Planet樂(lè)隊(duì)的鼓手,離開(kāi)樂(lè)隊(duì)后繼續(xù)著一些電影音樂(lè)創(chuàng)作,在Ben Lee的05年專(zhuān)輯"Awake Is the New Sleep"也有所貢獻(xiàn). "Nighttiming"的所有歌曲都由Schwartzman譜寫(xiě)演奏演唱.作為第一張以Coconut Records名義的個(gè)人專(zhuān)輯,可以說(shuō)是成功的,收錄的Summer Day便使大家開(kāi)始注意Coconut Records.伴隨突起的明亮鋼琴聲,快速而又亂亂的音樂(lè)感支撐下,輕松帶你進(jìn)入"West Coast"的世界,絲絲憂(yōu)郁浸染著Coconut Records的音樂(lè).
Three years after his departure from Phantom Planet, musician/actor Jason Schwartzman returned to L.A.'s pop-loving circles with the solo project Coconut Records. Schwartzman had launched Phantom Planet in 1994 and served as the band's drummer for nearly a decade, simultaneously furthering his acting career with roles in Rushmore, CQ, Slackers, S1m0ne, and Spun. The offers increased once he left Phantom Planet's lineup in 2003, but Schwartzman nevertheless had trouble shaking music from his system. With Incubus guitarist Mike Einziger serving as producer, he decamped to Malibu during the summer of 2006 to record Nighttiming, handling most of the vocal and instrumental duties himself while granting cameos to a slew of fellow actors and musicians (including Kirsten Dunst, Zooey Deschanel, Brandon Boyd, Ben Kenney, and brother Robert Carmine). The album was released early the following year on Young Baby Records, with the initial copies containing Polaroid photos taken by Schwartzman himself.

Coconut Records詳細(xì)資料(以下內(nèi)容包含:Coconut Records 歌曲列表 專(zhuān)輯唱片列表等信息)
Coconut Records生日:

Coconut Records檔案之所有專(zhuān)輯

  • 2021年推出專(zhuān)輯:《SpiderMan 3》
  • 2021年推出專(zhuān)輯:《Davy》
  • 2007年推出專(zhuān)輯:《Nighttiming》