Backyard Babies

簡(jiǎn)介: 小簡(jiǎn)介
BACKYARD BABIES,被稱(chēng)作瑞典“槍花”BACKYARD BABIES(后宮佳麗),張狂而粗糙的Garage Rock混入放縱不羈的Sleaze Punk,這本身便成就了一支藥力強(qiáng)大的催化劑。因?yàn)榇植冢灾苯?,因?yàn)榉趴v,所以更能夠肆無(wú)忌憚地?fù)]霍著感情 更多>

BACKYARD BABIES,被稱(chēng)作瑞典“槍花”BACKYARD BABIES(后宮佳麗),張狂而粗糙的Garage Rock混入放縱不羈的Sleaze Punk,這本身便成就了一支藥力強(qiáng)大的催化劑。因?yàn)榇植?,所以直接,因?yàn)榉趴v,所以更能夠肆無(wú)忌憚地?fù)]霍著感情并諸如此類(lèi)那些不值錢(qián)的把戲。他們拒絕被這個(gè)時(shí)代打磨得油光瓦亮,因?yàn)闇嫔5馁|(zhì)地才顯得異常質(zhì)感,因?yàn)橹挥凶钤嫉臎_動(dòng)在如今看來(lái)才顯得令人迷戀。放下二十年的老炮兒資歷與被稱(chēng)之為二十世紀(jì)最偉大的Sleaze Punk樂(lè)團(tuán)的光環(huán),BACKYARD BABIES仍舊是一群混不吝的搖滾老流氓,并即將在走遍了大半個(gè)地球之后踏上他們兒時(shí)的夢(mèng)想之都 ……
Swedish punks the Backyard Babies formed in the city of N?ssj? in 1987, originally comprising singer Tobbe, guitarist Dregen, bassist Johan Blomqvist and drummer Peder Carlsson. After recording a rough demo and playing a few local live dates, in 1989 the group dismissed Tobbe and replaced him with singer Nicke Borg; two more demos followed, as did a national tour, and in 1991 the Backyard Babies launched their first offical release, the EP Something to Swallow. Signing with the Megarock label in 1993, the following year the quartet issued their first full-length effort, Diesel & Power, before going on hiatus to allow Dregen the chance to work with his other band, the Hellacopters. The Backyard Babies reunited in 1997 for the single "Look at You" and the album Total 13; "Bombed (Out of My Mind)" appeared the next year.

