Conor Oberst

簡介: 小簡介
“這首歌是寫給我們無知的、狂傲的狗屁(asshole)總統(tǒng)”,Conor Oberst在紐約的演唱會上輕聲說著,然后他唱起了這首諷刺布??偨y(tǒng)的“When the President Talks to G 更多>

“這首歌是寫給我們無知的、狂傲的狗屁(asshole)總統(tǒng)”,Conor Oberst在紐約的演唱會上輕聲說著,然后他唱起了這首諷刺布希總統(tǒng)的“When the President Talks to God”。幾秒鐘的前奏之后,他停下手中的吉他說:我剛才忘了說“無能的”。
24歲的Conor Oberst是美國當(dāng)紅獨立樂隊Bright Eyes的靈魂人物,或者說他根本就是化身為Bright Eyes。2004年十一月,他有兩首歌曲同時登上Billboard 排行榜前十名----這本來已經(jīng)是不容易的事,更了不起的是,他在自己的獨立廠牌發(fā)行,而非主流公司。今年一月他更大膽地同時發(fā)行兩張專輯,一張是秉持他一貫的民謠風(fēng)《I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning》,另一張《Digital Ash in a Digital Urn》則是電子搖滾取向。
他被Spin雜誌稱為這個世代最好的歌詞創(chuàng)作者,被媒體譽為是這個時代的狄倫。這雖然是媒體的過譽,但不可否認地,Conor Oberst再次證明了能代表每個時代的聲音總有強烈的社會意識,一如六零的狄倫、七零的藍儂、八零年的布魯斯史普林斯丁、Bono…等。
Conor Oberst當(dāng)然不是從小就很政治化。出生在中西部小鎮(zhèn)Omaha的他,十幾歲的青少年期就組團,寫的自然是年輕人的生活。但是兩千年布希當(dāng)選總統(tǒng)之后,他發(fā)現(xiàn)為何這個理應(yīng)代表他們的總統(tǒng)卻和他的想法如此不同;他也開始關(guān)注他生活的這個小鎮(zhèn)的日益衰敗。於是外界的政治和社會問題不斷逼迫著他思索這些更廣大的世界。然后他搬到紐約的東村這個美國反叛文化的秘密基地,遂更加的激進化。2001年他們正好在九一一后錄製新專輯《Desaparecidos》,原本他們擔(dān)心這個時候不適合做一張反美的專輯。但是他認為,真正在此刻做出符合美國精神的作法就是:異議和前進。2003年三月,美國出兵攻打伊拉克,Conor Oberst也走上紐約街頭參與反戰(zhàn)游行。在專輯的一首歌中,他寫下了當(dāng)天的情景。歌曲十分抒緩,且?guī)е┌С?,但卻藏不住歌手的巨大憤怒。今年他進一步在專輯發(fā)行后另外發(fā)表一首猛烈抨擊布希政府的單曲〈When the president talks to God〉,并在Itune上提供免費下載。這首歌無疑已經(jīng)是這個時代最出色的政治歌曲。Conor Oberst曾說,音樂就是他的信念和理想的表達。歌曲創(chuàng)作之外,他也敢於用行動來表達他的立場。2004年美國總統(tǒng)大選前,他加入了老大哥Bruce Springsteen和REM等人為民主黨候選人凱瑞在各州助選的巡迴演唱「Vote for Change」。
可是在除了政治,Conor Oberst更令人敬佩的或許是他始終待在自己的獨立廠牌Saddle Creek,而且他曾經(jīng)公開宣稱絕對不去美國當(dāng)前最惡名昭彰的媒體鉅子Clear Channel所經(jīng)營的場地表演---這個公司掌握了全美極大部分的電臺和表演場地,而且以打壓言論自由、音樂品味單一主流、政治立場極保守聞名。
作為一個堅持獨立音樂,勇於批判政治,能寫出美麗動聽歌曲的創(chuàng)作者,Conor Oberst顯然已經(jīng)進入代表這個時代聲音的候選人名單。
Conor Oberst is an American singer-songwriter born February 15, 1980 in Omaha, Nebraska. He began his recording career in 1993 at the age of 13 and has since produced an enormous amount of material; Rolling Stone has referred to him as “rock’s boy genius.” His current project is Bright Eyes, and he also serves as the frontman to Desaparecidos (a punk-oriented side project), his only non-Bright Eyes project still in print.
At fourteen years of age, Oberst became singer and guitarist of Commander Venus, an indie rock band. The former members of Commander Venus, Tim Kasher of Cursive, Robb Nansel (who now runs Saddle Creek), and Todd Fink of The Faint, would later go on to feature in many Saddle Creek recording groups. Conor was also a member of the band Park Ave, which he joined after terminating the difficult relationship he had with Megan Saienni, due to an affair with Maria Pantin.
Oberst is also guitarist and singer for the band Desaparecidos. The music and lyrics of Desaparecidos differ greatly from Bright Eyes, having more in common with punk rock than folk. The lyrics are generally social and political commentary on the state of affairs in America, the pitfalls of the suburban lifestyle, and America’s love of capitalism as opposed to the more introspective lyrics of Bright Eyes.

