Chucho Valdés

簡介: 小簡介
丘喬·巴爾德斯(Chucho Valdes)被視為全世界最優(yōu)秀的鋼琴家和偉大的作曲家,其作品Mambo Influenciado(曼波的影響)和Misa Negra(黑色彌撒)為當代古巴音樂家開辟了途徑。
他的藝術生涯和教學使他榮膺本國的Cultura 更多>

丘喬·巴爾德斯(Chucho Valdes)被視為全世界最優(yōu)秀的鋼琴家和偉大的作曲家,其作品Mambo Influenciado(曼波的影響)和Misa Negra(黑色彌撒)為當代古巴音樂家開辟了途徑。
他的藝術生涯和教學使他榮膺本國的Cultura Nacional、Alejo Carpentier 和Félix Varela 獎章以及其它崇高榮譽,包括加拿大和古巴數(shù)所大學授予的“Doctor Honoris Causa”(名譽博士)稱號。
他極具才能、他的天才之手及其輕松跨越八音度的手指、他在著名場地-如美國的卡內(nèi)基廳、林肯中心和肯尼迪中心,英國的羅尼·斯科特斯爵士俱樂部和古巴的卡洛斯·馬克斯和阿馬德奧·羅爾丹劇院 -的演出以及他14次榮獲格萊梅獎提名和5次獲獎,這些僅僅是使丘喬·巴爾德斯成為爵士樂和音樂領域傳奇人物的諸多要素之一。
The son of the noted musician Bebo Valdes, Chucho began playing piano when he was three and by the time he was 16 he was leading his own group. In 1960 his father defected from Cuba but Chucho stayed behind. In 1967, he formed the Orquesta Cubana de Musica Moderna and, in 1973, he founded Irakere, the top Cuban jazz orchestra; among its original members were Arturo Sandoval and Paquito DRivera. Valdes has been Irakeres musical director almost from the start and has recorded with the full band, in small groups, and as an impressive solo pianist. He remains one of the top jazz musicians living in Cuba.