
簡(jiǎn)介: by Ron WynnWhen Latin funk and Latin rock had its brief moment in the sun during the 70s, a number of groups emerged. Most were imitation S 更多>

by Ron WynnWhen Latin funk and Latin rock had its brief moment in the sun during the 70s, a number of groups emerged. Most were imitation Santanas, but at least Malo could boast that it had a real Santana in the lineup. Carlos Santanas brother Jorge headed Malo, and he possessed a little of his brothers vocal sound. Unfortunately, he didnt have enough to keep Malo going more than a few years. Their debut LP for Warner Bros. reached number 14 on the pop charts, but it was all downhill from there. The single Suavecito peaked at number 18 pop. They got very little attention from R&B or funk fans.

