Freddie Aguilar

簡(jiǎn)介: 菲律賓傳奇歌手Freddie Aguilar來自菲律賓南部民答那峨小城,他曾經(jīng)很潦倒,過著乞丐一樣的生活。在他最為潦倒的時(shí)候,他的孩子降臨到這個(gè)世界上了。他把他的愛,他的彷徨,他的眼淚都寫到了歌里。 1978年,F(xiàn)reddie Aguilar 以他自己用真情譜寫的歌曲&ldquo 更多>

菲律賓傳奇歌手Freddie Aguilar來自菲律賓南部民答那峨小城,他曾經(jīng)很潦倒,過著乞丐一樣的生活。在他最為潦倒的時(shí)候,他的孩子降臨到這個(gè)世界上了。他把他的愛,他的彷徨,他的眼淚都寫到了歌里。 1978年,F(xiàn)reddie Aguilar 以他自己用真情譜寫的歌曲“Anak 孩子”,參加了馬尼拉的第一屆“大都會(huì)流行音樂節(jié)”歌唱大賽。
當(dāng)時(shí),他還是個(gè)名不見經(jīng)傳的歌壇新人。以當(dāng)?shù)卣Z(yǔ)言演唱的這首歌,以扣人心弦的旋律,描述著父母對(duì)兒女的愛,引起了熱烈的回響。不過,由于該項(xiàng)比賽強(qiáng)調(diào)的是符合當(dāng)時(shí)流行風(fēng)潮的作品,而這首充滿民謠風(fēng)味的歌曲顯然與大會(huì)的要求有著相當(dāng)大的差距,經(jīng)過再三的考慮之后,評(píng)審團(tuán)決定給他亞軍。由于“Anak”所獲得的成功,F(xiàn)reddie Aguilar不但忙碌于世界各國(guó)的演唱,更應(yīng)邀前往美國(guó),在洛杉磯灌錄英語(yǔ)專輯“After Child”。 盡管銷路還算不錯(cuò),F(xiàn)reddie Aguilar不滿于唱片公司另請(qǐng)所謂“名家”填詞,而并沒有忠實(shí)于他的創(chuàng)作本意。   于是,F(xiàn)reddie Aguilar親自將“Anak”填上英語(yǔ)歌詞的“Child”,忠實(shí)的呈現(xiàn)出他對(duì)于親子關(guān)系的感嘆.結(jié)果,正是因?yàn)檫@首Freddie Aguilar填寫的英文歌詞忠實(shí)原來的創(chuàng)作精神,從而打動(dòng)了世界各地的人們。
by Leon Jackson
When he entered the Metro Manila Popular Music Festival in 1978, Freddy Aguilar was almost completely unknown; within weeks he was possibly the best-known musician in Manila, and he has since consolidated that position to become the best known Filipino musician in the world. The song that took him to such great heights, heard for the first time at the 1978 competition, was Anak, a folk-rock ballad sung in the local tagalog language. It has since spawned 54 covers in 14 other languages. He subsequently enjoyed great hits with such singles as Magdalena and Bayan Ko. Prior to the release of Anak, Aguilar cut his teeth peforming cover songs and original material for U.S. military personnel stationed on the Islands. Never one to shy away from politics, he wrote several anti-Marcos songs, including Katarungang and his Bayan Ko became the theme song for Cory Aquinos anti-Marcos election campaign in 1986.

Freddie Aguilar詳細(xì)資料(以下內(nèi)容包含:Freddie Aguilar 歌曲列表 專輯唱片列表等信息)
Freddie Aguilar生日:

Freddie Aguilar檔案之所有專輯

  • 2024年推出專輯:《Sariling Atin》
  • 2023年推出專輯:《Freddie Aguilar - Greatest Hits》
  • 2023年推出專輯:《Anak》
  • 2005年推出專輯:《The Best Of Freddie Aguilar》