Cabaret Voltaire

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來(lái)自英國(guó)Sheffield的Cabaret Voltaire,為音樂(lè)發(fā)展史寫(xiě)下全新的一頁(yè),他們不僅參與了工業(yè)音樂(lè) (industrial music)的催生與定義,也對(duì)后來(lái)電子音樂(lè)的發(fā)展有著舉足輕重的影響。雖然Cabaret Voltair享有工業(yè)音樂(lè)教父級(jí)樂(lè)團(tuán) 更多>

來(lái)自英國(guó)Sheffield的Cabaret Voltaire,為音樂(lè)發(fā)展史寫(xiě)下全新的一頁(yè),他們不僅參與了工業(yè)音樂(lè) (industrial music)的催生與定義,也對(duì)后來(lái)電子音樂(lè)的發(fā)展有著舉足輕重的影響。雖然Cabaret Voltair享有工業(yè)音樂(lè)教父級(jí)樂(lè)團(tuán)的美譽(yù),卻不甘劃地自限,1973年成軍以來(lái),總是不停地積極創(chuàng)造音樂(lè)上的各種可能。70年代初期擅長(zhǎng)吉他演奏的Richard H. Kirk、主奏貝斯的Stephen Mallinder與熱衷音效處理的Chris Watson,因?yàn)閷?duì)藝術(shù)表演的熱情而有了交集,最后發(fā)展成保有緊密合作關(guān)係的音樂(lè)伙伴,1978年更獲得當(dāng)時(shí)剛成立不久的獨(dú)立廠(chǎng)牌Rough Trade網(wǎng)羅,以Cabaret Voltaire為名,接連發(fā)表數(shù)張實(shí)驗(yàn)性質(zhì)濃厚,卻備受讚譽(yù)的經(jīng)典作品。80年代初期他們的足跡除了遍及歐洲各地,更遠(yuǎn)赴美國(guó)與日本等國(guó)家巡迴演出。1983年Chris Watson離團(tuán),剩下的兩人逐步向商業(yè)靠攏,更轉(zhuǎn)投主流廠(chǎng)牌Virgin的懷抱,在獨(dú)立專(zhuān)輯榜上取得佳績(jī),樂(lè)隊(duì)卻也經(jīng)歷數(shù)次人事變動(dòng)。
從早期的工業(yè)實(shí)驗(yàn)之聲,到后期進(jìn)軍舞曲領(lǐng)域的大膽創(chuàng)舉,Cabaret Voltaire始終都是獨(dú)立樂(lè)迷心中的傳奇經(jīng)典,但是不可否認(rèn)的是,他們的大膽超前也足以嚇壞一般愛(ài)好主流音樂(lè)的聽(tīng)眾。Cabaret Voltaire在Rough Trade時(shí)期的錄音只為少數(shù)樂(lè)迷熟知,所幸透過(guò)個(gè)性廠(chǎng)牌Mute下的分支Grey Area於90年代初期細(xì)心整理后,這些經(jīng)典作品才得以重新出土問(wèn)市。
Though theyre one of the most important groups in the history of industrial and electronic music, Cabaret Voltaire are sometimes forgotten in the styles timeline — perhaps because they continued recording long after other luminaries (Throbbing Gristle, Suicide, Chrome) called it quits. Also related to the fact is that CV rarely stayed in one place for long, instead moving quickly from free-form experimentalism through arty white-boy funk and on to house music in the late 80s and electronica the following decade. The band, formed by guitarist Richard H. Kirk, bassist Stephen Mallinder and tape manipulator Chris Watson, were influenced by the Dadaist movement (whence came their name) and as such, came closer to performance art than music during many of their early performances. After several years of recording with no contract, the group signed to the newly formed Rough Trade label in 1978 and began releasing records that alternated punk-influenced chargers with more experimental pieces incorporating tape loops and sampled effects.
Following Watsons departure, the remaining duo inaugurated a new contract with Some Bizzare/Virgin in 1983 by shifting their sound, away from raging industro-funk and towards a more danceable form. The singles Sensoria and James Brown hit the indie charts during 1984, and Cabaret Voltaire moved to EMI/Parlophone in 1986 for The Code. Two years later, the band traveled to Chicago to record Groovy, Laidback & Nasty with Marshall Jefferson, one of the mavericks in the new house sound blowing up in the British charts. After another break of several years, the new-electronica label Instinct released a trio of CV LPs during 1993-94, after which the bands future appeared cloudy. Kirk continued his solo career (recording as Electronic Eye, Sandoz and himself) while Mallinder moved to Australia.

