Magazine 60

簡(jiǎn)介: 國(guó)籍:法國(guó)這是支法國(guó)合成器流行組,活躍在20世紀(jì)80年代。成員包括Dominique Regiacorte, Jean-Luc Drion, Veronique Oliver 。1985年的Let's Go (我們?nèi)ゼs會(huì))風(fēng)靡整個(gè)歐洲和北美。之后被收錄在87年大陸引進(jìn)的“荷東”專 更多>


這是支法國(guó)合成器流行組,活躍在20世紀(jì)80年代。成員包括Dominique Regiacorte, Jean-Luc Drion, Veronique Oliver 。1985年的Let's Go (我們?nèi)ゼs會(huì))風(fēng)靡整個(gè)歐洲和北美。之后被收錄在87年大陸引進(jìn)的“荷東”專集第二集中。

從藝歷程:In 1981, the band released an EP, Magazine 60, by Barclay Records. It sold over 260,000 copies in France, making the Top Ten, and became a gold record. One of the original singers, Danielle Delval left the band that year and was replaced by Michele Callewart. In 1982, the band released their first album, 60's Slows, which sold over 280,000 copies and made Top Ten. The band then released two music videos internationally and went on tour.

After several more line-up changes, the band decided to take a new direction in the mid-1980s. Pierre (Dit El Chico), Dominique,Véromique released the singles "Don Quichotte (No Están Aqui)" and "Rendez-vous sur la Costa del Sol," both of which appeared on the 1985 album that followed, Costa del Sol. "Don Quichotte" became the band's most successful hit in the U.S. However, the Costa del Sol album would not be released in America until 1987,by which point, the group had lost momentum there.

