smash mouth

簡(jiǎn)介: 小簡(jiǎn)介樂(lè)隊(duì)成員:
主唱Steve Harwel
鼓手Kevin Coleman
貝斯手Paul De Lisle
吉他手Greg Camp
????94年成軍于加州圣荷西的Smash Mouth(破嘴合唱團(tuán))是支發(fā)揚(yáng)龐克樂(lè)精神并 更多>

主唱Steve Harwel
鼓手Kevin Coleman
貝斯手Paul De Lisle
吉他手Greg Camp
????94年成軍于加州圣荷西的Smash Mouth(破嘴合唱團(tuán))是支發(fā)揚(yáng)龐克樂(lè)精神并發(fā)誓創(chuàng)造出最快樂(lè)的搖滾樂(lè)的隊(duì)伍,團(tuán)名的靈感來(lái)自于美式足球聯(lián)盟NFL傳奇巨星Mike Ditka形容一種強(qiáng)調(diào)奪球本能的運(yùn)動(dòng)-Smash Mouth Football。主唱Steve Harwell愛(ài)聽(tīng)貓王、鄉(xiāng)村樂(lè)及Hip-Hop,鼓手Kevin Coleman則從Speed metal、Ramones、Dead Kennedys一路聽(tīng)到Sublime,貝斯手Paul De Lisle迷的是披頭四風(fēng)格的搖滾樂(lè)、龐克搖滾,或是Van Halen、Kiss、Aerosmith、B-52`s的音樂(lè),吉他手Greg Camp則聽(tīng)盡60年代名不見(jiàn)經(jīng)傳的車庫(kù)搖滾團(tuán)或沖浪搖滾團(tuán)的作品,再加上The Clash及U2。Steve與Kevin源自街頭龐克族的活力,撞上Greg、Paul這對(duì)音樂(lè)玩家,一種精燉烘培伽州搖滾佳肴于焉出爐,散發(fā)著hip-hop、拉丁、雷鬼、龐克、沖浪搖滾、ska、流行等不同佐料的風(fēng)味,最重要的是,Smash Mouth找回了玩搖滾與聽(tīng)搖滾最基本的樂(lè)趣。
????Smash Mouth(破嘴合唱團(tuán))在圣荷西跑了兩年場(chǎng)子表演后,因 "Nervous In The Alley"獲得當(dāng)?shù)刈罹哂绊懥Φ膿u滾電臺(tái)KOME的強(qiáng)力放送,躍身成為該電臺(tái)創(chuàng)臺(tái)以來(lái)首度破例播放無(wú)約樂(lè)團(tuán),消息一傳開(kāi),接下來(lái)就贏得環(huán)球音樂(lè)旗下Interscope唱片公司的一紙合約,并于97年發(fā)行首張專輯「Fush Yu Mang」,專輯發(fā)行后即踏上巡回演唱行程,與Blur、Sugar Ray、Third Eye Blind同臺(tái)切磋,輯中首支單曲 "Walkin` On The Sun"漂亮出擊,搶先蟬連Billboard現(xiàn)代搖榜5周冠軍,接續(xù)的"Why Can`t We Be Friends"則攻進(jìn)現(xiàn)代搖滾榜TOP 10,專輯闖進(jìn)流行專輯榜TOP 20且締造雙白金銷售記錄。
????99年6月底發(fā)表的第2張專輯「Astro Lounge」,Smash Mouth與首張專輯制作人Eric Valentine再度燃燒玩音樂(lè)的熱情快意,專輯于發(fā)行首周即勢(shì)如破竹搶坐B(niǎo)illboard流行專輯榜第10名,首支單曲"All Star"輕松搖擺走進(jìn)現(xiàn)代搖滾榜亞軍且逼占流行單曲榜TOP 6,更蟬連Adult TOP 40單曲榜9周冠軍,唱出每個(gè)人都是顆閃亮星的傲人自信心;"Radio"描述的是電臺(tái)與聽(tīng)眾、樂(lè)團(tuán)間既愛(ài)又恨的有趣情結(jié);"Diggin Your Scene"是無(wú)可自拔的愛(ài)恨迷戀, "Then The Morning Comes"點(diǎn)出匆忙人生中的片刻自省覺(jué)悟,再度逼進(jìn)Billboard流行單曲榜第11名;團(tuán)員最愛(ài)的 "Defeat You"搔到現(xiàn)代人不擇手段以求超越他人的本能特質(zhì);"Waste"談的是人際關(guān)系的悔悟, "Fallen Horses"講的是失去朋友的感覺(jué); "I Just Wanna See"則提醒世人在忙與盲的生活里,一定要讓心好好靜一靜,品嘗不一樣的人生滋味;99年以TOP 10單曲"Every Morning"走紅的樂(lè)團(tuán)Sugar Ray的DJ Homicide則在"Stoned"助陣。專輯同時(shí)選錄98年夏季為「是誰(shuí)搞的鬼」新世代女星珍妮佛洛海葳主演的電影「迫不及待愛(ài)上你」(Can`t Hardly Wait)翻唱的老歌 "Can`t Get Enough Of You Baby"。
????快活搖滾團(tuán)-Smash Mouth破嘴合唱團(tuán)榮獲2000年葛萊美獎(jiǎng)最佳流行重唱獎(jiǎng)的提名。by John BushA novelty rock band in the same vein as Presidents of the United States of America, but with surf and garage influences instead of the Presidents punk/thrash background, Smash Mouth found a hit in 1997 with the 50s-influenced Walkin on the Sun. The group was formed in 1994 in San Jose, CA, by vocalist Steve Harwell, a former rapper with the group F.O.S. After that group disintegrated, he began jamming with an old friend, drummer Kevin Coleman. Harwells former manager introduced him to guitarist Greg Camp (fresh from the local band Lackadaddy) and bassist Paul DeLisle. The quartet recorded two demos, and got the songs into rotation on a local radio station. After playing a summer festival with No Doubt and Beck, Smash Mouth decided to record an album. After finishing Fush Yu Mang, the group were signed by Interscope, which released Walkin on the Sun as the first single. It became a number one modern rock hit and pushed the album into the Top 40. Touring further helped the albums push, and the band added in a live keyboardist, Michael Klooster, to bolster their performances (and later live percussionist Mark Cervantes as well). The follow-up album, Astro Lounge, was released in 1999, generating the hit All Star; a collection of early material, East Bay Sessions, also appeared that same year. A severe back ailment eventually lead to Colemans exit from the band; he was replaced by ex-Tripping Daisy drummer Mitch Marine for the albums subsequent tour and further swapped out for Michael Urbano at its completion. Though no other hits with equal weight were forthcoming from Astro Lounge, the bands work of the early 2000s (2001s Smash Mouth and 2003s Get the Picture?) pleased fans of sparkling pop music. The group also contributed numerous tracks to a plethora of motion pictures, most notably their cover of the Monkees Im a Believer (from their eponymous release) to the soundtrack of 2001s hit movie Shrek, and many of these then appeared on the August 2005 Smash Mouth hits collection All Star Smash Hits. Harwell could be spotted in early 2006 as a cast member on the sixth season of VH1s celeb-reality TV show The Surreal Life, just as drummer Urbano was leaving the band due to creative differences. His spot was claimed in March by Jason Sutter, who had previously done work with American Hi-Fi and the Rembrandts. Smash Mouths fifth studio album, Summer Girl, appeared in early September.

