中文名: 杰西卡·哈珀
英文名: Jessica Harper
生 ?日: 1949-10-10
生于芝加哥,是好萊塢70年代中期嶄露頭角的領銜女演員之一,其代表作品有:《昆蟲》、《嘆息》、《逐出者》、《星塵紀念》、《震蕩治療》、《天堂送來的小錢》、 更多>
中文名: 杰西卡·哈珀
英文名: Jessica Harper
生 ?日: 1949-10-10
by Stacia Proefrock
Television and actress Jessica Harper turned her talents towards several projects for children, including books like I Forgot My Shoes and I'm Not Going to Chase the Cat Today. Her recordings for children have won many awards, including Parents' Choice Gold Awards and NAPPA Awards from the National Association of Parenting Publications. Her 2000 recording Rhythm in my Shoes was issued by Rounder Records.