
Snowblink is Daniela Gesundheit (God bless...) and Dan Goldman, a SoCal duo now residing in Toronto whose gossamer 2008 indie folk/pop 更多>

Snowblink is Daniela Gesundheit (God bless...) and Dan Goldman, a SoCal duo now residing in Toronto whose gossamer 2008 indie folk/pop debut Long Live finally gets a long overdue release in the U.S. next March (out next week Europe) via Fire Records. Gesundheit's expressive vocals have a fragile texture, the sublime counterpoint to Long Live's fifteen diverse and delicate sound portraits. At times as soft as a whispered lullaby, the album moves from short acoustic interludes to expansive, cinematic tracks of stunning beauty and intricate construction.
&Ambergris& is one of Long Live's most ambitious adventures, a five minute Feist-ian foray into a slowly building swirl of sighing vocals, gently plucked guitars and shimmering vibes. Gesundheit's sweetly understated refrain &I hope you find your ambergris& becomes a melody that practically breathes with warm, simple elegance. On &Membrillo&, eerie &Divining Rod& and album closer &The Haunt&, Gesundheit's soaring, multi-tracked vocals become an instrument of serene celestial majesty, art-pop hymns recalling both Kate Bush and Enya (yes, Enya). But the core of Long Live is the quiet, featherlight campfire folk played out on a single spotlit stage, poetry and drama with a sense of wonder.

