
簡介: 離開Dividing the Plunder樂隊后,Tasha和丈夫Justin Golden組建了Ellery樂隊。Ellery受Sarah McLachlan和Ben Folds影響,并且融合了另類民謠(alternative folk)風(fēng)格。這對辛辛那提夫婦在2005年發(fā)布 更多>

離開Dividing the Plunder樂隊后,Tasha和丈夫Justin Golden組建了Ellery樂隊。Ellery受Sarah McLachlan和Ben Folds影響,并且融合了另類民謠(alternative folk)風(fēng)格。這對辛辛那提夫婦在2005年發(fā)布了EP《 Make Your Troubles Mine》。他們故鄉(xiāng)的報刊對專輯報以積極評價來對他們表示歡迎。此外,當(dāng)?shù)氐碾娕_WNKU也循環(huán)播放他們的歌曲。Virt Records后來主動和Ellery聯(lián)系并與其簽約,使得他們可以在錄音棚里將之前的EP改進(jìn)為完整的專輯。也就有了2006年的《Lying Awake》。 Edited by Bournes
After spending time in the band Dividing the Plunder, husband and wife Tasha and Justin Golden began work as Ellery. Combining the sounds of Sarah McLachlan, Ben Folds, and alternative folk, the Cincinnati-based couple wrote, recorded, and released the Make Your Troubles Mine EP on their own in 2005. Their hometown warmly received their debut with positive reviews appearing in local newspapers, while local public radio station WNKU put them in regular rotation. After a feature in Performing Songwriter magazine, Virt Records contacted the band, signed them, and sent them back into the studio to turn the EP into a full-length album. The result, Lying Awake, was released in 2006. ~ David Jeffries, Rovi

