簡介: 英國節(jié)奏噪音團
? ESA全稱是Electronic Substance Abuse(電物質(zhì)濫用),主創(chuàng)是來自英國的Jamie Blacker,項目成立于2003年。其實最早J Blacker主要活動在英國極端金屬圈。之所以后來轉(zhuǎn)向工業(yè)噪音,是因為被一次節(jié)奏噪音演出深深 更多>

? ESA全稱是Electronic Substance Abuse(電物質(zhì)濫用),主創(chuàng)是來自英國的Jamie Blacker,項目成立于2003年。其實最早J Blacker主要活動在英國極端金屬圈。之所以后來轉(zhuǎn)向工業(yè)噪音,是因為被一次節(jié)奏噪音演出深深吸引了。退出極端金屬界后,他決定自己創(chuàng)作發(fā)展出一種獨特的電子工業(yè)風格。經(jīng)過了3年的磨練,終于在2006年初于美國電子工業(yè)廠Hive Records發(fā)行了自己的'Devotion Discipline and Denial',一張充滿黑暗,窒息,粗糙,性誘導的專輯。其實ESA最早出現(xiàn)在Hive合輯里的曲目還和Converter 比較像,非常噪音化的節(jié)奏噪音,但等到自己專輯面世時,元素已經(jīng)很豐富了。
ESA (Electronic Substance Abuse) is Jamie Blacker!
ESA was born at the beginning in 2002 in order to cross the threshold from one form of independent extreme music to another. Jamie Blacker up until this point had been writing music semi-professionally for years in various Black and Death Metal bands, working alongside and touring with acts throughout the UK.
Having decided to experiment in Dark Electronica in order to experience a different genre. ESA began to gain European and US notoriety for powerful live shows complete with live guitars, live beats and various surprise guest vocalist appearances. Coupled with a venomous and violent debut album 'Devotion Discipline and Denial' on premier American label 'Hive Records', slowly ESA had begun to claim it's own territory...
ESA's sound is always a hard one to pin down. Taking influences initially from predominantly European Rhythmical noise acts, the overall structures have developed and integrated countless influences from the broad spectrum of alternative and extreme music. The tone of ESA is harsh and oppressive, dripping with destructive and corroded grooves whilst still emanating sub conscious melodies and a strong sense of Spirituality. ESA's compositions are undoubtedly threatening and offensive floor stomping club tunes but also twist and churn enough to warrant more attentive listening.
Now on Tympanik Audio based in Chicago, the 3rd ESA album has just been released and confidently promises to cause a stir in scene and crosses new boundries. Managing to somehow bridge the gap between the lovingly lapped up industrial anthems of today and the jet black opressiveness of ESA's new forward thinking sound. 'The Sea & the Silence' is out now via the Tympanik website and many other respected distribution sites.

