Brotha Joseph

簡介: Brotha Joseph's Testimony
Prior to giving his life to the Lord by accepting Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior, Brotha Joseph 更多>

Brotha Joseph's Testimony
Prior to giving his life to the Lord by accepting Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior, Brotha Joseph was known as “Bird” on the streets where he grew up in the city streets of the north central part of Houston, TX. He began to rap in clubs all over Houston. Promoting himself he received air play on stations like Party 104.9. During this time since the age of 17 Joseph aka Bird sold drugs on the streets, living a life of a drug dealer. Living the life he spoke about in his rap music he began to be consumed by the drugs and party life of a rapper.
At the age of 25, Joseph became a father and raised his daughter from the time she was 3 months old with the help of his mother. This while going through trials in his life becoming addicted to cocaine he began to lose some of his best friends to the streets. One friend was hit by a car and killed instantly another overdosed on drugs and Joseph knew that continuing that lifestyle he would be next. By the age of 28 having nothing but addictions he began to take on more drugs on the street falling deeper in his addiction to cocaine and finally acknowledging his addiction he could not stop the use of the drugs himself. Soon tragedy would strike that would change his life forever…
In April of 2007 Joseph’s daughter who was 2 ? at the time was taken away from him and he was unable to see or speak with her. He began to not care about anything which led to depression and slowing killing himself with the use of cocaine. Living with his mom she could see he had a serious problem. His mom being a believer always prayed for her son and told him he should go to church to hear the “good news”. He began to go to church at Lakewood in Houston, TX. During that time a Sister from Alvin, TX who is a close friend of his mom’s told her the Lord had placed her son (Joseph) in her heart very heavily and she needed to pray for him. Joseph always avoiding this prayer was caught one day when she just showed up at his house. She began to prophesy over him telling him that the Lord would use him in a mighty way and that he would be a minister of the Gospel. Not believing what he had been told because he was selling drugs and had them in the next room. She then began to tell him they were packing his daughter’s bags as she spoke. Anointing him with oil she looked at him and said “in Jesus’ name your daughter is coming home”. Praise the Lord, Hallelujah!! Two days later Joseph received a phone call to pick up his daughter. In awe he began to wonder who this Jesus was. Continuing to go to church but not changing the way he was living still had not year surrendered his life fully. Still selling drugs and still addicted to cocaine.
Going to church he would carry his drugs and leave them in the truck until he got out of service so he could deliver them. One day he was convicted by the Holy Spirit when he was asked where he was going with his duffle bag. He replied “to church” Leaving his house on this way to church he was mad thinking “why can’t people just be happy he was trying to do something right”. Going into the service being convicted he did not pay attention to anything that was said during the service. When leaving the service he received a phone call to record at a studio for someone’s album. Finding a reason to get drunk he immediately bought beer and went to the studio to record. Arriving at the studio he started using cocaine and stayed high using it for three days after he left the studio on the third day he went outside to smoke a cigarette when he heard a voice speak to him saying “you wanted your daughter back and I gave her to you; there she is. The roads you are riding you are going to either end up in two different places”. He then showed Joseph in visions the two places. One place he showed him was locked up in prison and the other place was him lying in his casket dead while his daughter cried looking in his casket. Knowing this was the truth he told the Lord “you’re right, I don’t want to end up in either one of those places but I need your help, I can’t do this on my own, I’m gonna end up killing myself”. From that moment forward Joseph made a decision not to live his life the way he was. That following Wednesday he went back to church for one reason. Joseph went to church and gave his life to the Lord by confessing Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior. Being set free from drugs and alcohol Joseph prayed and asked for the strength to quit using drugs and from one day to the next he was freed from 13 years of addiction.
Today Brotha Joseph ministers to hundreds of people in churches, prisons and schools all over the state of Texas. The Lord has continued to bless him with a wife and a son in addition to his daughter! Praise God for He is good!!
Thank You Jesus!

Brotha Joseph詳細(xì)資料(以下內(nèi)容包含:Brotha Joseph 歌曲列表 專輯唱片列表等信息)
Brotha Joseph生日:

Brotha Joseph檔案之所有專輯

  • 2023年推出專輯:《Inevitable》