簡介: 1976年大阪府出身、現(xiàn)在はフランス?パリ在住。2001年初頭にPROGRESSIVE FOrMから自身にとってのファースト?アルバム「SILICOM」をリリースして以來、コンピューター/ソフトウェア?ベースの創(chuàng)作活動を中心としながらも自らの方法論を常に冷靜に見つめ続け、獨自の音 更多>
1976年大阪府出身、現(xiàn)在はフランス?パリ在住。2001年初頭にPROGRESSIVE FOrMから自身にとってのファースト?アルバム「SILICOM」をリリースして以來、コンピューター/ソフトウェア?ベースの創(chuàng)作活動を中心としながらも自らの方法論を常に冷靜に見つめ続け、獨自の音楽表現(xiàn)の領域を力強く押し広げる気鋭のアーティスト。
その有機的なグルーヴと獨創(chuàng)的で生々しくすらもあるリズムの確たる存在感は2003年にcirqueから発表したアルバム「QUANTUM」、そして2004年に発表した現(xiàn)時點での最新作「SIMPLY FUNK」を一聴すれば立ちどころに理解できるはずだ。リズムの存在感を全面に押し出し徹底的に磨き上げた「SIMPLY FUNK」は言わずもがなだが、全編ノンビート?アルバムとして制作された「QUANTUM」においてさえ彼獨自のグルーヴのエッセンスが滲み出しており改めてその非凡な才能に驚かされる。またリミキサーとしても半野喜弘「APRIL」、SKETCH SHOW「MARS」などのリミックスを手掛けており、原曲の魅力を決して損なわずに鮮烈な解釈を生み出すその卓越したセンスと手腕が高く評価されている。
2005年はTsujiko Norikoとのコラボレーション?アルバムをfatcat recordsから、そして半野喜弘と田中フミヤが新たに立ち上げるレーベルop.discからのシングル及びアルバムのリリースを予定しており、さらなる活発な活動が期待される。
Born 1976 in Osaka. Living in Paris, France presently. Since the first album,"SILICOM", released from PROGRESSIVE FOrM in the beginning of year 2000, he has been looking at his own personal methodology while creating activities of sounds mainly based on computer/software. He is an energetic artist who expands the limits of the original musical expression vigorously.
Many of the music that is called ELECTRONICA/IDM in general are Meta-techno like, and are heading toward anorganic substance. On the other hand, the music that AOKI takamasa produce is made from same computer base, but is surprisingly teemed with physical, vivid, and uplifting feeling with distinctive clearness.
Using every terms of method, software avariciously, and driving CPU till ultimate may seem very extreme in style. However, it has rhythm and groove, and the unshakable respect and inquiring mind toward the root of art expression called music is ceaselessly flowing. The only person who makes the music that way is the outstanding artist named AOKI takamasa.
The album "QUANTUM" released from "Cirque" in 2003 is the organic groove that is a certain sense of existence and an original fresh rhythm. You will be able to understand immediately if you listened to the latest album, "SIMPLY FUNK", which was released in 2004.
Although you could feel the sense of the existing rhythm thoroughly pushed out and cultivated, in "QUANTUM", made as a non-beat album, his original essence of groove is oozing out, and again, his extraordinary talent surprises us.
As a re-mixer, he handled the remix of Yoshihiro Hanno's "APRIL", and SKECTH SHOW "MARS". Without spoiling the attractive point of the original music, he creates a vivid construction, and his distinguished senses of abilities are appraised.
He gives priority as well as the production activity and masterpiece in the live performance that develops aggressively. There are a lot of artists who do the live performance by mainly using the computer. However, he is the person who emphasizes a focus on the mutual communications through music with the audience. He is an extraordinary artist who can show "Live performance" as an original that is not playback of a mere sequence. From 2001 up to present time, he has been invited to not only Japan but also the SONAR festival in Spain and the event of a European each city such as Germany, Barcelona, France, Austria, Italy and Slovakia. His performance steadily collects support from the audience in various places.
A collaboration album with Tsujiko Noriko on fatcat records, and a new single or an album from a new label "op.disc" by Yoshihiro Hanno and Fumiya Tanaka are being planned in 2005. Even more enthusiastic activities are to be expected.