
簡介: Jucifer是成軍于1993年希臘雅典的二人情侶組合. 女主唱Amber Valentine兼主音吉他,老公Edgar Livengood任鼓手.據(jù)Valentine回憶,當(dāng)時還是她男友的Edgar Livengood根據(jù)O.J. Simpson就Nicole Brown Si 更多>

Jucifer是成軍于1993年希臘雅典的二人情侶組合. 女主唱Amber Valentine兼主音吉他,老公Edgar Livengood任鼓手.據(jù)Valentine回憶,當(dāng)時還是她男友的Edgar Livengood根據(jù)O.J. Simpson就Nicole Brown Simpson,Ron Goldman謀殺案說過的一句話“If he's guilty, then he's the devil and The Juice is Lucifer.”得到了Jucifer這個樂隊名稱。1999年他們在Crack Rock廠標(biāo)下獨立發(fā)行了第一張專輯《Calling All Cars on the Vegas Strip》。在這之后他們簽了Capricorn唱片公司,公司又重新發(fā)布了這張專輯。之后轉(zhuǎn)向Velocette唱片公司,于2001發(fā)布了EP《Lambs》,2002年發(fā)布了專輯《I Name You Destroyer》,還有2004年的EP《War Bird》。2006年的專輯《If Thine Enemy Hunger》還有2008年的專輯《L'Autrichienne》都是在現(xiàn)屬唱片公司Relapse Records發(fā)布的。2008年的專輯發(fā)布后他們便開始了在歐洲的巡演,獲得巨大成功后又轉(zhuǎn)向美國東南部和加拿大等地。
by Stacia Proefrock
Rising out of a new wave of independent music from Athens, GA, Jucifer produced a sound that resembled R.E.M. about as much as the New York Dolls resembled Barry Manilow. Alternating between atmospherics and frantic punk-metal, the boyfriend-girlfriend team of Ed Livengood and Amber Valentine began impressing locals with their performing skills in 1995. Their first album, Calling All Cars on the Vegas Strip, began getting airplay at the end of 1998 and was released in 1999 by their own Crack Rock record label. Its prodigious success on college radio got them a deal with Capricorn Records, who remastered and remixed the album, re-releasing it in early 2000. The hard hitting Lambs appeared in 2001.