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Valleys Of Neptune

歌手:Jimi Hendrix歌曲



發(fā)行時(shí)間:2010-03-09 00:00:00

Valleys Of Neptune

專輯簡介: 《Valleys Of Neptune》收錄了美國已故迷幻、布魯斯搖滾音樂家吉米·亨德里克斯生前未發(fā)行的七首歌曲。Valleys of Neptune is an upcoming posthumou更多>

《Valleys Of Neptune》收錄了美國已故迷幻、布魯斯搖滾音樂家吉米·亨德里克斯生前未發(fā)行的七首歌曲。Valleys of Neptune is an upcoming posthumous studio album by American psychedelic blues rock musician Jimi Hendrix. Due to be released in the U