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發(fā)行時間:2019-04-18 00:00:00


專輯簡介: 新樂府 | 浪春 China Music House | Naughty Spring 一、專輯內(nèi)容CONTENTS 這是一張以春為題的專輯,《浪春》中電子樂為那些熟悉的春之歌創(chuàng)造出了豐富的效果更多>

新樂府 | 浪春 China Music House | Naughty Spring 一、專輯內(nèi)容CONTENTS 這是一張以春為題的專輯,《浪春》中電子樂為那些熟悉的春之歌創(chuàng)造出了豐富的效果,令人嘆賞不已。曲中的意象如同一幅春之畫卷徐徐展開,在流動的、充滿民族韻味的五聲音階旋律中,春的色彩呼之欲出,而春的生機則在復(fù)雜多變的電子韻律中撩動著聽者之心,是為《浪春》。 《浪春》是新樂府聯(lián)手以色列電音小紅人Shtuby共同推出,延續(xù)了新樂府在中國傳統(tǒng)民樂國際化上的制作理念。專輯6首曲目中你可以聽到琵琶、笛子,也可以聽到耳熟能詳?shù)膫鹘y(tǒng)民歌采樣,融合小紅人多變的電子音色,整張專輯突破了音樂風(fēng)格的限制,你很難把它簡單歸類為New Age或是獨立電子。小紅人大膽開放的“世界音樂”意識,使他并不拘泥于音樂風(fēng)格,而是利用西方電子樂的節(jié)奏感將古老神秘的東方旋律襯托的更加出彩和現(xiàn)代。 This is an album with the theme of spring. The electronic music in "Naughty Spring" creates a rich and impressive effect for those familiar spring songs. The image in the song is like a picture of spring unfolding slowly. The color of spring is vividly portrayed in the pentatonic scale melody full of national flavor. The vitality of spring stirs the listener's heart in the complex and changeable electronic rhythm. That's why the album is called "Naughty Spring" . "Naughty Spring" is jointly launched by China Music House and Israeli electronic music star Shtuby. This album continues the music product