how to count one to ten

簡介: 小檔案
Yuta Okuhara (Guitar,Keyboard)
Yosuke Minamizuka (Drums)
Taichi Yaguchi (Guitar)
Mayuko Wada (Bass)
Shunsuke H 更多>

Yuta Okuhara (Guitar,Keyboard)
Yosuke Minamizuka (Drums)
Taichi Yaguchi (Guitar)
Mayuko Wada (Bass)
Shunsuke Hayashi (Guitar)
”ドラム、ベース、ギター3本から構成される日本、東京のインストゥメンタルポストロックバンド。音色は基本クリーン、エフェクトは使わず、本來の音で表現できる面白い事をブリコラージュ的に模索。音符を分解し、5人に振り分け、ピンポイントで演奏される楽曲。そこから広がる世界は意外にもカラフルで爽快なポップ。読み取れる音階は客観的に多種多様。確固たる信念で演奏される音符は聞く人に解釈の幅を限定しない。ブリッジミュートの強弱だけで表現できる幅の広さに気付き、3本のギターが同音和音を弾いた時の微妙な位相のずれに揺れを見つけ、ゴーストノート跳ねるドラムに身を委ね、ベースに心身を呼応させ、カクテルパーティ効果に沒頭しつつ脳內の音楽的琴線を鳴らす?!?br />"Formed by a drummer, bassist, and 3 guitarists, “how to count one to ten” is an instrumental post-rock band from Tokyo, Japan. The sound is clean, using no effects, and creates a sort of bricolage by utilizing the natural beauty of sound. Their songs are composed by splitting notes between the five of them with pin-point accuracy. When combined, they create a surprisingly colorful, fresh pop sound. Performing their notes with unwavering faith creates inventive scales that leave listeners open to a universe of interpretations. By noticing the wide variety of sounds created by bridge muting, they found that when their 3 guitarists hit the same chords, this created a slight phase shift. Skillfully intertwining this with the drummer's poppy ghost notes, and glued together with streaming bass lines, their music creates a virtual cocktail party of sound that tugs at the heart strings of their listeners."

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