簡介: The Dying Effect have been together for five years. For even longer, they were just four best friends going to the same school. They started 更多>
The Dying Effect have been together for five years. For even longer, they were just four best friends going to the same school. They started from scratch together; learning how to play the music they loved and how to really be in a band. Today it's crazy to see the development from having nothing but a friendship and love for hard music, to having a national record deal and becoming the musicians they are today. The changes and hardships that face many bands (name changes, road troubles, money difficulties) as well as personal trials have only made TDE, and the friendships within, stronger. Now they have a full-length album to attack with, a primary weapon to accompany their devastating live show. Packed with fistfuls of raw aggression, dueling guitar harmonies, and goreous melodies, the band has the upper hand and with a completely original sound. Their constant progression will only continue to show. Be sure to catch TDE on tour in the US and Canada this year. and be sure to keep listening for new music!