Minh Tuy?t

簡介: 小檔案
生日: 1976年10 月15 日 西貢
嗜好:時尚 , 電影,烹飪,游泳
喜愛的食物: 牛肉及越南菜
喜愛的電影:《Pretty Woman》
偶像:歌手 N 更多>

生日: 1976年10 月15 日 西貢
嗜好:時尚 , 電影,烹飪,游泳
喜愛的食物: 牛肉及越南菜
喜愛的電影:《Pretty Woman》
偶像:歌手 Ng?c Lan
喜愛的演員:L?u ??c Ho
孩童時期目標(biāo): 成為一個女演員
最近的目標(biāo): 成為歌迷心中一段永遠(yuǎn)難忘的記憶
未來目標(biāo): 有一個快樂的家庭和行為表現(xiàn)良好的孩子
Minh Tuy?t (明雪)越南裔美國流行歌手,生於西貢,是6 個兄弟姐妹中的最年輕的。她6歲時就登臺表演時并且參加很多音樂才能比賽,17歲時贏得電視臺舉辦名為“Tieng Hat Dai Truyen Hinh Toan Quoc” 的歌唱比賽第二名。此後她決定成為歌手開始演唱生涯,這一路上指導(dǎo)她音樂方面技巧的包括作曲家Thanh Tung, Trieu Dang, and Miss Thuy. 與另兩個眾所周知歌手姐姐C?m Ly (錦驪,網(wǎng)絡(luò)惡搞片《貴妃吃藥》中的歌手,原歌名為 Em Se La Nguoi Ra DI)和 Hà Ph??ng (和芳),一樣她的音樂天份來自於她的音樂世家與音樂家父親的啟發(fā)。在1997,Minh Tuy?t 拿著國際學(xué)生簽證來到加州圣地牙哥,在一個偶然的機(jī)會裏她的聲音獲得一家音樂行老板的賞識隨後推薦她給唱片公司,并且簽約很快的明雪就打開知明度并在一個 DVD 專輯中演唱 “Em Van Doi Anh ”。由於她明亮的聲音跟演唱情歌的技巧,很快的獲得歌迷的喜愛!。明雪說如果她不是歌手的話,她希望能當(dāng)個設(shè)計師或美容師,開著自己的沙龍,因?yàn)樗M軒椭藗冏兤?。
本名: Tr?n Th? Minh Tuy?t,即陳氏明雪,英文翻譯她的名字是“清晨之雪”。網(wǎng)上有些信息誤將越南另外一位歌手Phuong Thanh(中文:清芳)翻譯成阮明雪,其實(shí)不是一個人。清芳也是明雪的一個姐姐。
Minh Tuyet 出生于1976年10月15日在胡志明市,是6 個兄弟姐妹(四女二男)中的最年輕的。她的兩個姐姐Cam Ly 和 Ha Phuong都是歌手。她的父親是一個狂熱的音樂愛好者和專家。
Minh Tuyet是一個孩子時就有著強(qiáng)烈的演唱激情。在17歲時她就在仲董(Trong Dong)的音樂舞臺上演出,這在西貢是首次為一個專業(yè)歌手所做的。而她的歌唱生涯被業(yè)界普遍看好。
在1997年,Minh Tuyet來到通過國際學(xué)生計劃美國。她起初就職于一歌專門制作發(fā)行越南的音頻和視頻媒體的Tinh音樂制作公司。她的第一張CD《Yeu Nhau, Ghet Nhau》于1998年發(fā)布。而她第一次單獨(dú)的DVD專輯《Ve Cuoi Duong Tinh》歌曲選集音樂視頻,發(fā)布于2002年。在此期間Minh Tuyet演唱了各種風(fēng)格音樂,包括民歌,翻唱中國歌曲,pop和rap。然而她最成功的便是無處不在的愛情民謠。
在2002年,Minh Tuyet加入翠雅苑(Thuy Nga)演出,這是家更廣為人知的音樂制作公司。她首次現(xiàn)身出現(xiàn)在巴黎之夜65(Paris By Night 65),演唱了愛情歌曲《Trai Tim Lo Lam》。她的職業(yè)生涯自加入巴黎之夜可以說得到蓬勃發(fā)展。在幾年的時間,她成為Thuy Nga最暢銷的歌手之一。她的大部分歌迷被她誘人的表演和著裝風(fēng)格所吸引。盡管她繼續(xù)唱了各種類型的音樂,她最受歡迎的歌曲仍然是愛情民謠。她演出的許多Thuy Nga版權(quán)歌曲,例如Ngay Xua Anh Hoi,Da Khong Yeu Thi Thoi等等。她的最新CD專輯是《Yeu mot nguoi, song ben mot nguoi》。
Minh Tuy?t is a Vietnamese-American pop singer, currently performing on Thuy Nga's Paris by Night. Her sisters are Cam Ly, a famous singer in Vietnam, and Ha Phuong (also a singer) who performs with her as part of the cast of Paris By Night. She is known in the Vietnamese American culture for being the Vietnamese pop princess. Her most notable songs are Lang Thang, Quan Vang Mot Minh, and Da Khong Yeu Thi Thoi. Her real name is Tran Thi Minh Tuyet, the English translation of her name is "morning snow."
Minh Tuyet was born on Oct 15, 1976 in Saigon, Vietnam in a family of four sisters and two brothers. Two of her elder sisters are singers Cam Ly and Ha Phuong. Her father is a music enthusiast who enjoyed composing songs as a hobby.
Minh Tuyet had a strong passion for singing when she was a child. At 17, she performed on the music stage at Trong Dong, Saigon for the first time as a professional singer. The performance was considered to be a success, which officially launched her on the singing career.
In 1997, Minh Tuyet came to the United States via the international student program. She initially worked for Tinh Productions, a music company which produced Vietnamese audio and video media. Her first CD was Yeu Nhau, Ghet Nhau, released in 1998, and her first solo dvd, Ve Cuoi Duong Tinh, an anthology of music videos, was released in 2002. Minh Tuyet sang a variety of music genres during this time including folk, Chinese translated, pop and rap. She was however, most successful in ubiquitous love ballads.
In 2002, Minh Tuyet joined Thuy Nga Productions, a much more well known music production company. She appeared for the first time on Paris By Night 65, titled Yeu, performing the love song Trai Tim Lo Lam. Her career can be seen to prosper since joining Paris By Night. In a few years time, she became one of Thuy Nga's best selling artists. Most of her fans are in their late teens who were attracted to her seductive performing and dressing style. Although she continued to sing a variety of music genres, most of her famous songs are still love ballads, which made her name. She performed many of Thuy Nga's copyrighted songs such Ngay Xua Anh Hoi, Da Khong Yeu Thi Thoi. Her latest cd released is Yeu mot nguoi, song ben mot nguoi

