[00:00.000] 作词 : ESSE艾斯乐队 [00:01.000] 作曲 : ESSE艾斯乐队 [00:06.150]Journey(征途) [00:21.900]作曲:魏刚 [00:29.149]作词:Cheers(千斯) [00:40.900]编曲:魏刚 [00:47.401]录音: 川本文化传媒 [00:54.151]混音:赵林弋,梁霄 [00:58.899]They murmured in a voice as a whisper [01:00.150]林中传来它们的窃窃私语 [01:04.398]As if to tell me this is a long and tough trip [01:05.653]仿佛在告诉我此行艰难 [01:09.651]I can feel the nightmare still haunting me [01:11.648]我能感觉噩梦仍困扰着我 [01:16.152]All the sanity in me bring to rest [01:21.151]这使得我神智不清 [01:23.399]Is this the end of everything [01:25.402]这就是一切的终结吗 [01:27.398]Or just a new way to bleed [01:28.403]还只是又一次流血牺牲 [01:30.648][01:28.413] [01:32.152]Deep in the long night [01:33.401]深陷在这漫漫的长夜里 [01:36.151]Where to find the burning fire [01:38.653]何处找寻炙热的火焰 [01:43.153]My faith is about to leave me [01:44.402]我的信仰快要离我而去 [01:49.400]Tired out 、Go forward、feeling it all [01:52.401]身心俱疲 艰难前行 感受这一切 [02:02.402][02:02.166] [02:07.400]Cover my eyes and close my eyes [02:08.649]遮住我的双眼 闭上我的眼睛 [02:12.148]Just long enough to stop the noise [02:13.651]直到不再听到那种声音 [02:18.150]Now I’m fighting this war since the day of the fall [02:19.648]如今我孤军奋战 从那一刻开始 日复一日 [02:23.148]And I’m desperately to holding at all [02:24.904]我孤注一掷 只为保全现在的一切 [02:28.651]Is this the end of everything [02:30.150]这就是一切的终结吗 [02:35.153]Or just a new way to bleed [02:35.652]还只是又一次流血牺牲 [02:36.151][02:36.166] [02:40.152]Deep in the long night [02:41.401]深陷在这漫漫的长夜里 [02:45.900]Where to find the burning fire [02:46.654]何处找寻炙热的火焰 [02:51.903]My faith is about to leave me [02:52.402]我的信仰快要离我而去 [02:56.649]Tired out 、Go forward、feeling it all [03:01.149]身心俱疲 艰难前行 感受这一切 [04:31.151][04:29.919] [04:33.901]Cold and darkness coming soon [04:35.650]寒冷和黑暗卷土重来 [04:40.649]Everything here will cease [04:41.901]这里的一切将不复存在 [04:45.653]But the war was burning [04:47.150]然而战火已在我胸中熊熊燃起 [04:53.652]Rush out、Never seen、powerful [04:54.151]迸发出 前所未有地火的力量 [04:55.149][04:54.919] [04:58.405]I am no a ghost in the cold night [04:59.403]我不再是寒冬里的一个孤魂野鬼 [05:03.654]Soul is no longer falling [05:05.152]我的灵魂不再煎熬/不再堕落 [05:09.904]And this is far from over [05:10.649]这一切都还没有结束 [05:18.902]Kill the boy 、Let the man 、Born