[00:00.000] 作词 : Gloria是小羊 [00:01.000] 作曲 : Gloria是小羊 [00:05.979]Prod. Flowless [00:12.246]Change my sheet and a old time gone/换下床单让时间流逝 [00:15.504]Wash my body and a new day come/洗净铅华等新日到来 [00:18.511]That’s it boy I thought that’s it/我曾以为到此为止 [00:24.023]And they blame it me no/但他们怪罪于我 [00:27.782]Why it’s on me so/欲加之罪 [00:30.538]The guilty is on me/漠视辱骂 [00:33.796]They call me as/诉诸于我 [00:37.305]You should have called the police on time/你本应及时报警 [00:40.314]You should already sent the proof online/你没有实锤就不要乱说 [00:43.322]He’s innocent unless the law defines/没有法律规定哥哥就是清白的 [00:46.580]He’s not that kind of bad guy/哥哥不是那种坏人 [00:49.088]He must be having tough life/哥哥现在一定很艰难吧 [00:52.025]How can I certify /要我如何自证 [01:03.818]That day we both drank a lot of wine/那天我们都喝多了酒 [01:07.076]He said he would give me a drive/他说他会送我回家 [01:10.336]Put me in my bed and stay for a while/将我抱至床上并小憩一会儿 [01:12.593]Until the sunrise and I realize he lies/太阳升起之时,我意识到他的恶行 [01:15.854]So I change my sheet and a old time gone/于是我换下床单让时间流逝 [01:19.615]Wash my body and a new day come/洗净铅华等新日到来 [01:22.372]That’s it boy I thought that’s it/我曾以为到此为止 [01:27.889]And they blame it me no/但他们怪罪于我 [01:31.151]Why it’s on me so/欲加之罪 [01:34.663]The guilty is on me/漠视辱骂 [01:38.173]They call me as/诉诸于我 [01:41.435]So I try to leave my cowardice behind/这一次我努力将怯弱收起 [01:47.956]So I try to tell what’s black and white/尝试辨明黑白,说清好坏 [01:53.973]But I’m tired of tired of tired of answering why/但我疲于应付他们的恶意与质疑 [02:00.995]Why you keep a pack of condom after that night/为何在那之后你要将、、长备于身 [02:07.014]So I change my sheet and a old time gone/于是我换下旧物不再回头 [02:10.790]Wash my body and a new day come/洗净铅华像新日行走 [02:13.766]That’s it boy I thought that’s it/你知道这才是真正的结束 [02:19.283]And they blame it me no/他们怪罪于我 [02:23.046]Why it’s on me so/但那是欲加之罪 [02:25.803]The guilty is on him [02:29.064]Forget about that sheet(sh!t)