[00:00.000] 作词 : Asae [00:01.000] 作曲 : Asae [00:07.676]New Age [00:08.677] [00:09.175]作词:Asae [00:09.426] [00:09.926]作曲:Asae [00:10.427] [00:11.175]编曲:Asae [00:11.425] [00:11.926]混音:Asae [00:12.925] [00:13.425]出品:夏欧音乐(北京)有限公司 [00:18.674] [00:19.675]I wanna fly,So high, [00:27.924]Where the stars all collide; [00:28.674] [00:28.674]我将飞上云霄,看繁星冲撞; [00:28.988] [00:28.988]I wanna ride,their light, [00:33.738]To the edge of sight. [00:37.988] [00:38.241]我将乘着它们的光,飞向视野的边疆。 [00:38.241] [00:38.736]Where no more fight Ignites, [00:43.486]We will praise all night. [00:47.987] [00:47.987]找到没有争斗的土地,我们将整夜奏起赞歌。 [00:47.987] [00:48.249]Hear no more sigh,be alright, [00:53.247]Find truth of life, [00:56.498] [00:56.498]不再有悲伤,在祥和中找到生命的真谛。 [00:56.498] [00:57.246]Into a new age. [01:02.996]这是新的时代。 [01:03.247] [01:06.748]Into a new age. [01:12.247]这是新的时代。 [01:12.746] [01:16.745]Into a new age. [01:23.995]这是新的时代。 [01:24.494] [01:26.246]Into a new age. [01:33.493]这是新的时代。 [01:34.244] [01:34.993] [02:17.240]I wanna fly,So high, [02:21.989]Where the stars all collide; [02:25.238] [02:25.739]我将飞上云霄,看繁星冲撞; [02:25.739] [02:26.489]I wanna ride,their light, [02:31.738]To the edge of sight. [02:35.239] [02:35.239]我将乘着它们的光,飞向视野的边疆。 [02:35.738] [02:36.488]Where no more fight Ignites, [02:40.987]We will praise all night. [02:45.487] [02:45.736]找到没有争斗的土地,我们将整夜奏起赞歌。 [02:45.736] [02:46.236]Hear no more sigh,be alright, [02:50.736]Find truth of life, [02:53.985] [02:54.236]不再有悲伤,在祥和中找到生命的真谛。 [02:54.486] [02:54.736]Into a new age. [02:59.986]这是新的时代。 [03:00.237] [03:04.485]Into a new age. [03:10.233]这是新的时代。 [03:10.734] [03:14.234]Into a new age. [03:18.484]这是新的时代。 [03:19.484] [03:23.983]Into a new age. [03:29.732]这是新的时代。 [03:30.483] [03:30.983] [03:33.233]Into a new age. [03:39.483]这是新的时代。 [03:40.231] [03:43.230]Into a new age. [03:48.731]这是新的时代。 [03:48.731] [03:52.481]Into a new age. [03:59.480]这是新的时代。 [03:59.480] [04:02.230]Into a new age. [04:09.479]这是新的时代。