[00:00.000] 作词 : SpaceMan奈若何 [00:00.000] 作曲 : SpaceMan奈若何 [00:00.000]后期:哔酱不是酱 [00:09.943]我知道这一切 [00:11.198]都只是昙花一现 [00:12.439]我知道明天早上一起来你就会不见 [00:15.188]我知道你不再爱我了 [00:16.943]我知道你会走 [00:18.199]我爱你不能概括了,我没办法再错了 [00:21.150]不评论你的胃口,那就一笔带过吧 [00:23.902]彼此留点空间,别做的太过了 [00:26.399]既然我没说话,那就当做我是爱过吧 [00:31.902]我落入低谷,孤独充斥我的脊柱 [00:34.896]向你走了几步,只穿了一件底裤 [00:37.647]氟伏沙明,那是你送我的礼物 [00:40.155]你电话簿上肯定写着stronger已故 [00:42.896]I can be the night ,I can be the light. [00:45.404]I can be the boy who you want to like [00:47.655]I dare you will find,I am Just you type. [00:50.152]I will keep you safe in these arms of mine [00:54.157]beacuse we are space man [00:56.899]beacuse we are space man [00:59.406]beacuse we are space man [01:04.398]beacuse we are space man [01:06.906]beacuse we are space man [01:09.656]beacuse we are space man [01:11.653]beacuse we are space man [01:12.398]beacuse I am space man [01:15.147]提供所有就像便利店 [01:17.656]我这个flow弄得好像彭于晏 [01:20.396]无论如何我还想再见一面 [01:22.647]我准备提现,你微信离线, [01:24.656]居然还认为你是白娘子,我是许仙 [01:27.151]站在路灯下再举烟,没语言 [01:30.152]头上挂着乱七八糟的虚衔 [01:36.406]beacuse we are space man [01:38.903]beacuse we are space man [01:41.898]beacuse we are space man [01:43.649]beacuse we are space man [01:46.902]beacuse we are space man [01:49.652]beacuse we are space man [01:52.405]beacuse we are space man [01:54.402]beacuse [01:57.152]My life is a lie. [01:58.396]My mother is kind. [01:59.648]My father, my mother don't shout to each other At ninght [02:02.344]I find a *** friend [02:03.586]We eat lunch Then [02:05.095]Speak a  body language, everybody understand. [02:08.090]做我的女友洗澡不用浴球 [02:10.540]我想要带你去旅游,在你面前酗酒 [02:13.035]你可以决定去留,或跟我飞上月球 [02:15.790]你的周边我全有,而且不问缘由 [02:19.537]beacuse we are space man [02:22.291]beacuse we are space man [02:24.787]beacuse we are space man [02:27.536]beacuse we are space man