[00:00.000] 作词 : 星河 [00:00.000] 作曲 : 星河 [00:00.000]编曲:M.I.KiNG [00:05.670]混音/母带:M.I.KiNG [00:11.722]录音:星唱录音棚 [00:14.955]Hook [00:18.238]Miss you but that's all over 午夜梦回,往事再难续。 [00:21.410]I'm crossing dream and reality like an Oreo 事事与愿违,如鲠在喉。 [00:24.978]Face true,we are getting colder 月华渐冷,星耀不存。 [00:27.789]Then I gon I gon runaway 不如离去。 [00:29.416]I gon runaway 不如离去。 [00:31.040]Miss you and I'm tired of horror 失之交臂,转瞬为定局。 [00:34.025]The story is end,no one felt sorry oh 愁恨犹存,风过了无痕? [00:37.637]Great,still down,I won't call dark 寥寥心事,旁人终难解。 [00:40.376]And I don't I don't runaway 仍需自视。 [00:42.150]I don't runaway 留待自释。 [00:43.767]Verse [00:45.632]I'm sorry,I'm okay,and now it's over. 曾经彻夜长谈,如今恍若陌客。 [00:51.695]I'm sorry,I'm okay,and now it's over. 过去形影不离,现在各自安好。 [00:58.081]I'm sorry,I'm okay,and now it's over. 一度沉醉幻觉,绮梦终将幻灭。 [01:04.399]I'm sorry,I'm okay,and now it's over. 昨日心头执念,今日惹字笔尖。 [01:10.831]It's not the end,it's just over for this. 虽无缘共度余生,也曾同行赏秋月。 [01:17.012]It's not the end,it's just over for this. 虽旧时深情不复,彼时拥有亦知足。 [01:23.819]It's not the end,it's just over for this. 遥想过往如云烟,晚来何处是飞絮。 [01:29.796]It's not the end,it's just over for this. 逝水已成东流海,自守庭前杨柳堤。 [01:34.036]Hook [01:34.485]Miss you but that's all over 午夜梦回,往事再难续。 [01:37.616]I'm crossing dream and reality like an Oreo 事事与愿违,如鲠在喉。 [01:41.234]Face true,we are getting colder 月华渐冷,星耀不存。 [01:43.920]Then I gon I gon runaway 不如离去。 [01:45.971]I gon runaway 不如离去。 [01:47.531]Miss you and I'm tired of horror 失之交臂,转瞬为定局。 [01:50.300]The story is end,no one felt sorry oh 愁恨犹存,风过了无痕? [01:53.879]Great,still down,I won't call dark 寥寥心事,旁人终难解。 [01:56.617]And I don't I don't runaway 仍需自视。 [01:58.627]I don't runaway 留待自释。 [01:59.949]Verse [02:01.466]I'm sorry,I'm okay,and now it's over. 流萤漫天,月一缺一圆,秋分已至。 [02:08.227]I'm sorry,I'm okay,and now it's over. 渔舟唱晚,潮一起一落,斯人已去。 [02:14.614]I'm sorry,I'm okay,and now it's over. 情字何解,人一撇一捺,最为复杂。 [02:20.892]I'm sorry,I'm okay,and now it's over. 缘分尽时,路一东一西,再也不见。 [02:27.341]It's not the end,it's just over for this. 山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。 [02:33.686]It's not the end,it's just over for this. 乘风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。 [02:40.038]It's not the end,it's just over for this. 行到水穷处,坐看云起时。 [02:46.434]It's not the end,it's just over for this. 隔岸再相望,遥遥不相识。 [02:50.362]Hook [02:50.864]Miss you but that's all over 午夜梦回,往事再难续。 [02:53.948]I'm crossing dream and reality like an Oreo 事事与愿违,如鲠在喉。 [02:57.481]Face true,we are getting colder 月华渐冷,星耀不存。 [03:00.219]Then I gon I gon runaway 不如离去。 [03:02.297]I gon runaway 不如离去。 [03:03.811]Miss you and I'm tired of horror 失之交臂,转瞬为定局。 [03:06.598]The story is end,no one felt sorry oh 愁恨犹存,风过了无痕? [03:10.125]Great,still down,I won't call dark 寥寥心事,旁人终难解。 [03:12.931]And I don't I don't runaway 仍需自视。 [03:14.971]I don't runaway 留待自释。 [03:16.609]Verse [03:18.126]I'm sorry,I'm okay,and now it's over. 也许这一段旅程已经接近尾声。 [03:24.150]I'm sorry,I'm okay,and now it's over. 也许那年的璀璨都已变成回忆。 [03:30.869]I'm sorry,I'm okay,and now it's over. 旧事终结我们都会找到新出路。 [03:36.965]I'm sorry,I'm okay. 心有遗憾但步履不曾慢了时光。