[00:00.000] 作词 : 玛瑙SoxionW/KosK/魔人MANJIN BUU [00:01.000] 作曲 : 玛瑙SoxionW/KosK/魔人MANJIN BUU [00:06.492]编曲:金帛广付BLCstudio/8Boomin [00:07.993]后期:金帛广付BLCstudio [00:12.497] [00:12.497]MANJIN BUU: [00:12.748]Runing runing runing in psycho [00:15.500](在梦中狂奔像个疯子) [00:15.750] [00:15.750]Coming Coming Coming in tale [00:18.503](把每天编造成故事) [00:18.753] [00:19.003]Runing runing runing in psycho [00:21.506](在梦中狂奔像个疯子) [00:21.758] [00:22.006]Coming Coming Coming in tale [00:24.758](把每天编造成故事) [00:24.758] [00:25.009]没有关系just wanna see you [00:27.762](只是想要见你) [00:27.762] [00:28.016]Something i can see you baby [00:30.933](总是能看到你) [00:31.183] [00:31.433]穿过森林 runing runing in psycho [00:33.937](在梦中狂奔像个疯子) [00:34.187] [00:34.187]飞过天空Coming Coming in tale [00:35.445](把每天编造成故事) [00:35.695] [00:35.946] [00:35.946] [00:36.197]SoxionW: [00:36.446]每次过度思考 [00:37.204]只能在梦中祈祷 [00:38.706]习惯了过度坚持 [00:40.451]无法忘你名字 [00:41.953]习惯了过度自私 [00:43.455]想要睁开双眼 [00:45.207]过多的虚假关系点点将我装填 [00:48.105] [00:48.356]I take own way [00:49.607](我有着自己的办法 【致敬lil skies】) [00:49.607] [00:49.858]I say oh wait [00:51.109](我说等等吧) [00:51.359] [00:51.609]是我的选择挫折太多无怨无悔 [00:54.111]不愿这样入睡 [00:55.613]不愿坠入深海里 [00:57.116]不愿独自面对 [00:58.617]不愿坠入深海里 [01:00.119] [01:00.369] [01:00.369]I take own way [01:01.877](我有着自己的办法 【致敬lil skies】) [01:02.120] [01:02.120]I say oh wait [01:03.378](我说等等吧) [01:03.622] [01:03.622]是我的选择挫折太多无怨无悔 [01:06.124]不愿这样入睡 [01:07.877]不愿坠入深海里 [01:09.378]不愿独自面对 [01:10.907]不愿坠入深海里 [01:21.155] [01:22.657] [01:24.670]KosK: [01:24.963]Too many faces appear in my dream [01:27.716](太多面孔在我梦里闪过) [01:27.716] [01:27.967]Too many target need to be chasing [01:30.971](太多目标需要实现) [01:30.971] [01:31.221]Might be crazy [01:32.722](这很疯狂) [01:32.722] [01:32.972]Up to jesus [01:33.973](命运不可逃脱) [01:33.973] [01:34.057]Let me always believe that i can make it [01:36.812](让我始终相信我能做到) [01:36.812] [01:37.062]Baby i can feeling you that is truth [01:39.822](我能真实的感受你) [01:40.065] [01:40.065]Daily highly missing you not a fool [01:43.069](整日思念不是玩笑) [01:43.069] [01:43.319]All i wanna do escape from the cage so [01:45.836](我所想做的就是挣脱牢笼) [01:46.072] [01:46.413]Dont be hesitate go to heaven gate though [01:48.456](不要犹豫 去往天国) [01:48.707] [01:48.957]Suffering stop me on my growing road [01:51.960](太多困难在我成长道路上阻碍着我) [01:52.210] [01:52.210]Dont be afraid facing them fighting bro [01:55.215](不会害怕 和我的兄弟们共同面对) [01:55.465] [01:55.465] [01:55.715]MANJIN BUU: [01:55.739]Runing runing runing in psycho [01:58.992](在梦中狂奔像个疯子) [01:58.992] [01:59.243]Coming Coming Coming in tale [02:01.995](把每天编造成故事) [02:02.247] [02:02.247]Runing runing runing in psycho [02:04.999](在梦中狂奔像个疯子) [02:04.999] [02:05.250]Coming Coming Coming in tale [02:07.753](把每天编造成故事) [02:08.007] [02:08.254]没有关系just wanna see you [02:11.007](只是想要见你) [02:11.007] [02:11.257]Something i can see you baby [02:14.011](总是能看到你) [02:14.260] [02:14.260]穿过森林 runing runing in psycho [02:17.014](在梦中狂奔像个疯子) [02:17.675] [02:17.675]飞过天空Coming Coming in tale [02:19.928](把每天编造成故事) [02:19.928] [02:20.178]我在床上开始抽烟 [02:22.179]一罐啤酒 一根烟 [02:23.931]点燃我的房间 [02:25.682]引入眼帘 又是对你思念 [02:28.187]独自靠在枕边辗转难眠 [02:31.696]梦中的你出现在我角落里 [02:34.693]回忆着点滴潮湿眼眶里 [02:37.703]走不出来冰冷美丽的梦里 [02:40.950]只想把这些变成回忆 [02:42.951] [02:42.951]Like dream [02:44.202](如梦一般) [02:44.452] [02:44.452] [02:44.703]MANJIN BUU: [02:44.703]Runing runing runing in psycho [02:47.457](在梦中狂奔像个疯子) [02:47.707] [02:47.707]Coming Coming Coming in tale [02:50.459](把每天编造成故事) [02:50.459] [02:50.710]Runing runing runing in psycho [02:53.464](在梦中狂奔像个疯子) [02:53.715] [02:53.715]Coming Coming Coming in tale [02:56.468](把每天编造成故事) [02:56.721] [02:56.969]没有关系just wanna see you [02:59.472](只是想要见你) [02:59.722] [02:59.722]Something i can see you baby [03:02.484](总是能看到你) [03:02.735] [03:02.985]穿过森林 runing runing in psycho [03:04.737](在梦中狂奔像个疯子) [03:04.988] [03:05.238]飞过天空Coming Coming in tale [03:05.990](把每天编造成故事) [03:06.490] [03:06.740] [03:07.490]金帛广付BLCstudio