[00:00.000] 作词 : Scale夏光/Ronin_D/DopaminE [00:01.000] 作曲 : Scale夏光/Ronin_D [00:04.527]录音:李子旭 [00:07.525]混音:夏光 [00:10.523]录音制作工作室:点燃计划@Studio [00:16.445] [00:22.861]夏光: [00:24.861]我想要带你去外太空旅行 [00:27.863]我想要带你去水星 木星 [00:30.859]我想要和你把《Anything》聆听 [00:33.859]我想要 just you and me [00:35.611]just just you and me [00:36.611] [00:36.863]我想要让你感受我的热情 [00:40.113]我想要你一起把诺言履行 [00:42.864]My love is how Shining can you feeling [00:45.862]don`t say ******* lonely [00:47.613]don`t say ******* lonely [00:48.361] [00:49.113]Ronin_D: [00:49.365]在月球上留下成双成对的足迹 [00:52.611]府邸 设在土星看着地球蓝色风景 [00:55.361]鼓起 勇气 在太空和你一起失去重力 [00:58.362]慢悠悠的动作和慢悠悠的爱情 [01:01.114]每一步的跨 度比地球上更大 [01:03.864]没记住的过 程就让它变更夸 张 [01:06.865]望 我们的未来都因为有你的存在 [01:10.360]放 首everything在外太空留下我的爱 [01:12.613] [01:12.863]夏光: [01:13.364]我想要带你去外太空旅行 [01:16.119]我想要带你去水星 木星 [01:19.113]我想要和你把《Anything》聆听 [01:22.110]我想要 just you and me [01:23.615]just just you and me [01:24.363] [01:24.862]我想要让你感受我的热情 [01:28.113]我想要你一起把诺言履行 [01:30.863]My love is how Shining can you feeling [01:34.114]don`t say ******* lonely [01:35.613]don`t say ******* lonely [01:37.111] [01:37.774]Just stay with me [01:38.774]Don`t leave me alone [01:40.273]跳着轻快的步伐 就出发 [01:42.273]从地球飞奔到宇宙 [01:44.023]给你说甜蜜土话 画图画 [01:46.022]独处时间何止几周 [01:49.274]这太阳 还没有我的热情滚烫 [01:52.522]Don`t worry 温柔似水不会把你灼伤 [01:55.773]空无一人的外星球你再也无处躲藏 [02:00.273] [02:00.773]我想要带你去外太空旅行 [02:04.198]我想要带你去水星 木星 [02:06.949]我想要和你把《Anything》聆听 [02:09.949]我想要 just you and me [02:11.448]just just you and me [02:12.698] [02:12.952]我想要让你感受我的热情 [02:15.946]我想要你一起把诺言履行 [02:18.948]My love is how Shining can you feeling [02:21.949]don`t say ******* lonely [02:23.448]don`t say ******* lonely [02:25.201] [02:25.700]我们一起跨过行星带 见过太阳的sunlight [02:28.950]如果这都证明不了我的爱 [02:31.200]外太空的气氛早就被破坏 [02:33.449]陨石 慢慢飞 刷新我的恋爱等级 [02:38.700]北极 消失在 我们的爱变成未解之谜 [02:43.197]你我之间有聊不完的话题 [02:46.950]春去秋来甜蜜太空的旅行 [02:48.953] [02:48.953]我想要带你去外太空旅行 [02:51.869]我想要带你去水星 木星 [02:54.870]我想要和你把《Anything》聆听 [02:58.283]我想要 just you and me [02:59.534]just just you and me [03:00.282] [03:00.781]我想要让你感受我的热情 [03:04.033]我想要你一起把诺言履行 [03:07.034]My love is how Shining can you feeling [03:09.784]don`t say ******* lonely [03:11.533]don`t say ******* lonely