[00:00.000] 作词 : spotlight [00:01.000] 作曲 : spotlight [00:05.434]编曲:Jianastic.X [00:08.439] [00:20.183]飞越喜马拉雅喝杯rum给我pull up pull up [00:22.691]cross加勒比海解除禁锢pull up pull up [00:25.184]变成butterfly drunk云中pull up pull up [00:27.690]nobody can stop me闪电漂移pull up pull up [00:30.441]crush on you就像甘蔗发酵pull up pull up [00:32.940]杰克船长让我掌舵远航pull up pull up [00:35.185]没有人能让我重拳出击pull up pull up [00:37.689]除非你是酿酒厂的公主我才不会pull up [00:39.946] [00:40.184]看着你的双眼迷离我真****ing很主动 [00:42.933]看到不仅有这酒精还有一个梦 [00:45.190]音响轰炸双脚离地我也从来不会送 [00:47.695]闻到golden rum气味我却觉得头发懵 [00:50.434]gold and dark yeah yeah yeah [00:52.933]fell the wine yeah yeah yeah [00:55.442]put it up yeah yeah yeah [00:57.933]像瓶朗姆酒我tm点燃整个炸药桶 [01:00.435]抓住bottle就往天上throw [01:03.193]压路机也不能挡我路 [01:05.435]csc的火焰stay cool [01:07.947]巴塞洛的威力让我创造一个新大陆 [01:10.933]I got 12345 shot [01:13.194]drink all day 也不会cry huh [01:15.685]10箱8箱never die huh [01:18.195]系上金腰带再来场擂主赛huh [01:20.196] [01:20.936]站在舞台中间摇个头 [01:22.691]不胜酒力也不会和马桶交流 [01:25.433]辛苦一天来做一个summery [01:27.938]fallin in love just like dominoes you dig [01:30.941]808在你心上抽 straight up [01:33.434]甩个手不是非主流 wow [01:36.183]hopeful当个包工头 pull up [01:38.433]有了mojito我是最好rum基础酒 [01:40.698] [01:40.944]飞越喜马拉雅喝杯rum给我pull up pull up [01:43.434]cross加勒比海解除禁锢pull up pull up [01:45.938]变成butterfly drunk云中pull up pull up [01:48.436]nobody can stop me闪电漂移pull up pull up [01:50.939]crush on you就像甘蔗发酵pull up pull up [01:53.683]杰克船长让我掌舵远航pull up pull up [01:56.188]没有人能让我重拳出击pull up pull up [01:58.434]除非你是酿酒厂的公主我才不会pull up [02:00.434] [02:01.183]put it up i promise I'll put it up [02:03.434]加热一天一夜烈酒吹瓶不会烫 [02:05.948]戴上小礼帽 [02:07.433]讲话要礼貌 [02:08.433]motherf**ker讲出的话吐出棉花糖 [02:10.935]想要唱 你无法想象eiya [02:13.433]到处刚 酒杯撞一撞eiya [02:15.934]not freak I told you im not afraid eiya [02:18.434]掀开你的天灵盖让你脑子赶紧记笔记 [02:21.435]drink之前请你祷告minimanimo [02:23.433]天亮之前是你的榜样smoking naruto [02:25.934]来到San Francisco [02:27.433]宝贝来我隔壁坐 [02:28.433]till 90909090岁月不蹉跎aiya [02:31.697]朗姆酒ice加很多,自由古巴张开翅膀飞向了天空 [02:36.684]外交官甜到心里头,没有人能判断我的心里到底有没有 [02:41.184]woo woo