[00:00.000] 作词 : ZY [00:01.000] 作曲 : ZY [00:06.191]Beat#周大发 [00:10.189]Mix@BiuC [00:11.939]I can't live without you [00:14.940]The soul lives in a room [00:18.190]The boy gotta stay cool [00:21.190]stay cool [00:24.689]I can't live without you [00:27.690]The soul lives in a room [00:30.940]The boy gotta stay cool [00:33.940]give the boy enough zoom [00:37.439]I can't live without you [00:40.453]The soul lives in a room [00:43.689]The boy gotta stay cool [00:46.689]give the boy enough zoom [00:51.689]One shot king ka k & o [00:53.189]面对成果不停留 [00:54.940]We seen man last night They froze [00:56.439]Yellow skin hides black soul [00:58.189]到达的方式有好几种 [00:59.689]不屑于你们抢镜头 [01:01.439]不再联络不再等候 [01:02.939]坏女孩让他变不同 [01:04.689]谁还在 薄冰行走 [01:06.189]我和自尊 打成平手 [01:07.691]向昨天低头敬酒 [01:09.189]应有尽有 看不见污点就在领口 [01:12.189]懂得逆水行舟 抬头幸有明眸 [01:15.387]还未功成名就 [01:17.647]She was licking [01:19.638]Me or you [01:22.892]不再停留 [01:26.138]They froze [01:29.387]有好几种 [01:32.637]不再等候 [01:35.637]破冰行走 [01:38.650]打成平手 [01:41.636]I can't live without you [01:44.137]The soul lives in a room [01:47.386]The boy gotta stay cool [01:50.887]give the boy enough zoom [01:54.136]I can't live without you [01:57.386]The soul lives in a room [02:00.387]The boy gotta stay cool [02:03.386]give the boy enough zoom [02:08.638]从沙子里爬起 向天意致敬 [02:10.136]不再偏执的攻击 再次把双眼蒙蔽 [02:12.834]把漂亮的脖颈都锁上黄金 [02:14.831]泛起的涟漪在四处碰壁 [02:16.581]真的脏东西 会对你定性 [02:17.836]一语中的 你 你 还在猜测用意 [02:21.081]追求正义的穷记者 爱上帮派的假意气 [02:24.346]留下线索的挑衅者 引火上身不就是你 [02:27.580]假的信徒诡辩着 真的艺术衣不蔽体 [02:30.831]谁又对你微笑着 真的朋友会干着急 [02:33.831]谁把台上的酒喝了 红着脸讲起了大道理 [02:37.081]玩弄心思的在表现着 如何能逗笑了 干着急 [02:40.268]称兄道弟 玩的高级 [02:42.020]哥们以后会关照你 [02:43.768]哥们以后会关照你 [02:45.769]会关照你