[00:00.000] 作词 : 朵朵 [00:01.000] 作曲 : Samat Saifullin p/k/a Young Fam [00:13.928]夜深人静的夜晚我的心早已被锁禁锢 [00:17.680]我们命运相互交织却也逃不过那繁杂世俗 [00:21.175]他和她说的那么多真想把我的耳朵给塞住 [00:24.424]你们懂什么这才是我想要的真理和幸福 [00:26.179] [00:27.676]You see the street lights lighting up this peaceful night [00:29.174](你看到街灯在这个宁静的夜晚点亮了吗) [00:30.926]What you don’t see is the demons hiding in plan sight [00:33.433](你看不到的是隐藏在视线中的恶魔) [00:34.178]Their sharp claws creep up your back and hold you tight [00:36.429](它们锋利的爪子爬上你的背,紧紧地抓住你) [00:37.427]You can’t scream you can’t breath and you can’t fight [00:38.925](你不能尖叫,你不能呼吸,你不能战斗) [00:40.181] [00:41.180]当你质问我为什么不能去理解给过我的很多帮助 [00:44.428]你当我是什么我又不是你要的那一种学徒 [00:48.179]你只是在我人生之中陪我走完了这一段旅途 [00:51.674]而你就像个牢笼把向往自由的百灵给圈住 [00:53.925] [00:54.924]Sometimes words are like knives that cut your wings so you can’t fly [00:56.432](有时候,言语就像刀子,割破你的翅膀,让你无法飞翔) [00:58.176]You are then locked in a cage and left there to cry and die [01:00.684](然后你就被关在笼子里任你悲愤交加) [01:01.424]You so hoped for someone to come and sweep you away into the sky [01:03.932](你真希望有人来把你救赎带你飞翔) [01:05.430]At least having hope and dreaming for a better life is worth a try [01:07.175](至少对更好的生活抱有希望和梦想是值得一试的) [01:10.181] [01:13.929]Let me be free [01:16.182] [01:22.174]黑暗把我寒冷的心灵吞噬慢慢变得体无完肤 [01:25.935]而你却认为我伤害了你却没有给你过更多的关注 [01:29.674]我整日躲在房间里无声呐喊依然没人能够倾诉 [01:32.680]天啊你还在怪我为什么一错再错执迷不悟 [01:34.678] [01:35.930]Your standing so high you see the world with a different light [01:38.173](你站得那么高,你用不同的眼光看世界) [01:39.424]And you think that your experiences are key to a better life [01:42.432](你认为你的经历是更好生活的关键) [01:43.177]What you don’t know is that we all have our own lives to write [01:46.184](你不知道的是我们都有自己的生活要写) [01:47.923]This is what makes life special and everything will be alright [01:48.679](这就是生活的特别之处,一切都会好起来的) [01:49.932] [01:50.177]当恶魔找到了我问我你最后想要去往哪里 [01:53.427]我说通往地狱十八层痛苦也比不过人间炼狱 [01:56.434]谎言背叛猜忌像铁链拴着我让我无法逃离 [02:00.428]只有天使能够赋予生命沙漠变成绿洲的奇迹 [02:01.682] [02:03.422]I pray to god one day someone will save me from my demons inside [02:04.433](我向上帝祈祷有一天有人能把我从我内心的恶魔中拯救出来) [02:07.174]He will be the only one that can heal my wounds and be my pride [02:08.684](他将是唯一一个可以治愈我的伤口,成为我的骄傲) [02:10.423]He will give me strength to move on and stand to see the ocean tide [02:12.677](他会给我力量,让我继续前行,站在那里看海潮) [02:13.930]He will finally set me free so I never ever would need to hide [02:15.926](他最终会让我自由,这样我就再也不用逃避) [02:19.433] [02:22.428]Setting me free [02:24.682] [02:30.927]不要因为别人说难听话语最终迷失了自己 [02:34.677]你的心有多么的坚强可能连你自己都无法估计 [02:37.927]总有一个人和你并肩前行面对所有苦难一起 [02:41.180]那时请握紧他的手不要在人潮中选择犹豫 [02:43.930] [02:44.675]So let me go into this world and set my heart free [02:46.426](所以让我走进这个世界,让我的心自由) [02:48.679]Living in others shadows is never a safe guarantee [02:50.431](生活在别人的阴影里永远不是安全的保证) [02:51.430]Life is full of exciting moments that we cannot foresee [02:53.927](生活中充满了我们无法预见的激动人心的时刻) [02:54.924]And this song is just telling us that our hearts needs to agree [02:56.933](这首歌只是告诉我们,我们的心需要同意) [02:58.430] [02:58.676]也许某天当我们回首再看一看过往日记 [03:01.925]我们发现我们不再为过去生活烦恼叹息 [03:05.178]每个人的人生都是独一无二同时无法代替 [03:08.683]来到世上就要活出我们人生的精彩还有意义 [03:10.182] [03:12.178]Closing my door now I could turn off the lights and finally sleep [03:14.175](现在关上门,我可以关灯睡觉了) [03:15.674]I don’t need anymore to hide in the dark bedcovers to weep [03:17.425](我不需要再躲在黑暗的被窝里哭泣了) [03:18.679]My heart has mended cuz you are in my life to keep [03:21.676](我的心已经愈合,因为你在我的生命中留下了烙印) [03:23.174]Before we call it a night you gave me a warm kiss on my cheek [03:24.426](在我们结束这个夜晚之前,你在我的脸颊上给了我一个温暖的吻) [03:27.931] [03:31.426]I am now free