[00:00.000] 作词 : Nugget/CzonknowhoUR*/TripleTwo脆泡兔 [00:01.000] 作曲 : Nugget/CzonknowhoUR*/TripleTwo脆泡兔 [00:28.931]Cz: [00:29.673]CBG already be ok [00:29.673](我们现在已经很OK) [00:31.182]you say wanna join us say no way [00:31.431](有些人总想加入 不可能) [00:33.179]CBG already be ok [00:33.424](我们现在已经很OK) [00:34.922]we can we can add the bass [00:35.176](想加的话不如加个bass) [00:36.931]cbgang ganggang*666 [00:59.175]NuG: [01:00.173]I drink too much So i feeling like batman [01:00.173]我喝的太多现在感觉像蝙蝠侠 [01:03.679]面对挑战我说I can [01:05.434]根据地点像个rich bank [01:07.431]坐上快车配置so high end [01:09.183]I dont give **** and I dont understand [01:09.428]我不在乎但是我也不想理解 [01:11.679]You all down but i keep standing [01:11.925]你们全都倒下了我依旧站着 [01:14.675]看我覆手为雨让时间停止 you know that [01:18.181]CBG出现请小心行驶 you know that [01:21.932]We keep rich everything we could cash [01:22.174]我们保持富有花钱如流水 [01:24.429]把这当成racing [01:25.681]Stuio依旧很大we do all right [01:28.676]TripletwoooNEB: [01:28.933]hero 已经到位 [01:30.174]CBG继续带队 [01:32.183]依然在 不断的 用力的 重击 把fake们通通的击碎 [01:35.935]你实力不匹配 [01:37.432]还想和我们作对 [01:39.184]我们不断上升你只能慢慢下坠 [01:43.435]return of the king [01:44.676]hustle大把money游戏规则我来定 [01:46.930]要掉你舔狗的命 [01:48.682]bringing and rain [01:50.678]CBG的轨迹大量的paper在堆积 [01:54.184]藏宝地的标记来自cbg 的唯一 [01:57.679]Cz: [01:57.937]CBG already be ok [01:58.435](我们现在已经很OK) [01:59.933]you say wanna join us say no way [01:59.933](有些人总想加入 不可能) [02:01.685]CBG already be ok [02:01.685](我们现在已经很OK) [02:03.682]we can we can add the bass [02:03.927](想加的话不如加个bass) [02:05.425]cbgang ganggang*666 [02:27.925]别来 沾边 打好如意算盘 [02:29.178]泛滥 的交情 所谓一哥你们跪着舔 [02:31.187]以后演出别来找我 [02:32.684]如果想来我们演出藏宝阁现在肯定让你跪着演 [02:34.927]圈子警察专负责除暴安良 [02:36.436]祝你读着课文可以读到三强 [02:38.687]屠掉那些废物等于除掉山羊 [02:40.430]翻墙伴奏无法 驾驭 是你 专长 [02:42.427]we will fight for hiphop till the final [02:42.681](我们为了黑怕战斗直到最后) [02:43.937]we are the hero not like other idol [02:44.179](我们是英雄不想其他的偶像派) [02:45.934]compare to stage we prefer to getto [02:45.934](比起大舞台我们更爱我们的街头) [02:47.685]you are not qualified to be my rival [02:47.931](你不配做我的竞争者) [02:49.927]关键人物已经出现了wo [02:51.678]救人一命胜造七级浮屠 [02:53.433]清千遍门户想要做个屠夫 [02:55.185]你玩过家家我们制造蛊毒 [02:56.928]Cz: [02:57.182]CBG already be ok [02:57.182](我们现在已经很OK) [02:58.937]you say wanna join us say no way [02:59.179](有些人总想加入 不可能) [03:00.934]CBG already be ok [03:00.934](我们现在已经很OK) [03:02.685]we can we can add the bass [03:02.685](想加的话不如加个bass) [03:04.682]cbgang ganggang*666