[00:00.000] 作词 : 夏昭轩x [00:01.000] 作曲 : 夏昭轩x [00:11.589]后期:夏昭轩czx [00:13.849]采样:《泰坦尼克号》 [00:17.862]常言道世事难料 [00:20.120]得要大心脏才能轻松谈笑 [00:22.379]理想总被现实完爆 [00:24.137]所有负面情绪都在心中缠绕 [00:26.897]都来问我值不值 [00:28.654]不值不还是会想时不时 [00:30.662]是不是真要如她所说及时止损 [00:33.421]不然无缘一本二本顶多混个十本 [00:35.678]原来我说的只是原来 [00:37.937]普天之下熙攘皆是为了钱财 [00:40.195]谁会无缘无故为你冲在前排 [00:42.204]被耍还要维持表面和气再把不满填埋 [00:44.712]她说不要浪费赐予的天资 [00:46.720]以前事情不要再拿来鞭尸 [00:48.977]是普通人不是小说里的先知 [00:51.236]祈求发生好的结果还要祷告签诗 [00:53.494]走的路不止是靠想象 [00:55.751]做的好也没人发奖状 [00:58.008]每个不起眼的成就都需要闯荡 [01:00.272]无论是现实还是网上 [01:02.530]自从你离开后我把真心放在说唱上 [01:06.542]意义远比账户里的数字大得多 [01:08.802]眼里不是只有播放量 [01:11.062] [01:11.562]when i stand in front of you [01:14.071]the world will be so warm so bright [01:16.328]everything I told you that is true [01:18.337]and it's no cheat no lie [01:20.596]as long as you can call me [01:23.164]i think i could do everything [01:24.922]and i would i should i could i [01:26.680]stop in you falling baby [01:29.692]when i stand in front of you [01:31.700]the world will be so warm so bright [01:33.707]everything I told you that is true [01:35.964]and it's no cheat no lie [01:38.474]as long as you can call me [01:40.482]i think i could do everything [01:42.990]and i would i should i could i [01:44.748]stop in you falling baby [01:46.504] [01:47.257]从来没想过 [01:48.760]我也能坐在操场上一整个通宵 [01:50.769]双眼空洞仰望着这月黑风高 [01:53.028]心里面想着有谁能为我撑腰 [01:55.285]我突然觉得太多事情我都想不通 [01:57.543]我突然发现是我自欺欺人往前冲 [01:59.803]我突然意识到不管风光与否 [02:01.560]都要小心翼翼地行走在这片江湖中 [02:04.322]没有前因哪里会造成现在的后果 [02:06.331]没有后果哪会想着有谁能来救我 [02:08.589]虽然人类总在不间断地繁衍 [02:11.349]但是眼光却还是一如既往的短浅 [02:12.603]明明这事爸爸已经教导至少说九遍 [02:15.113]第一次经历居然安慰自己活久见 [02:17.374]以为一年半的时间能够改变太多 [02:19.883]没想到心动的感觉依然还是没有变 [02:21.891]所以恶果只能全部都要怪我自己 [02:24.148]谁让我痴心妄想而且还要不明事理 [02:26.407]如果想要回到过去的日子 [02:27.663]摘下那颗青涩的柿子 [02:28.918]还有太多问题需要面对治理 [02:30.924]其实她不是在乎你长得帅不帅 [02:32.932]是种什么样的关系就谈爱不爱 [02:35.191]如果喜欢就别放弃机会 [02:36.698]吸引她的注意引起别人妒忌 [02:38.206]不管多久多远就算till i die [02:41.217]No,there wouldn't be,would there [02:43.545]And I have never spoken of him until now [02:47.559]Not to anyone [02:49.565]Not even your grandfather [02:52.371]A woman’s heart is a deep ocean of secrets [02:56.385]But now you know there was a man named Jack Dawson and that he saved me in every way that a person can be saved [03:07.683]I don’t even have a picture of him [03:12.704]He exists now only in my memory