[00:00.000] 作词 : 大嘴Lip [00:01.000] 作曲 : 大嘴Lip [00:10.947]Lip [00:20.571]麦克风check one two [00:22.592]哥们新发力的一首让你back to the old school [00:25.625]前一阵的哥们太潇洒lazy [00:27.895]新歌很多正在路上别太急baby [00:30.447]最屌的flow [00:31.452]i made it [00:32.458]解析我的soul [00:33.710]my lady [00:34.476]别在跟踪了狗仔 [00:36.001]i killing that [00:36.762]我的生活全都 [00:38.560]是best vibe [00:39.576]虽曾是hard life [00:41.101]洋洋洒洒无穷尽的天赋献上你的膝盖只怪哥们做的东西味太正 [00:45.899]我会解决所有问题成为答案掌握我未来的人生就算那些垃圾嘴太硬 [00:51.174]oh rest in peace [00:52.432]和我homie跟上伴奏解决这些屁事 man [00:55.746]我们这里no mercy真不关心那些bitch [00:58.529]你家小孩以后会用我俩当做壁纸 [01:02.065]peace bro [01:02.818]listen up listen up I got bridge [01:04.841]represent double n ip [01:06.392]这里是IP组合 [01:07.899]you are ready know [01:08.646]we play the game [01:09.914]you know the shit [01:10.920]fake rapper get **** right here [01:12.701]hook you ready [01:15.248] [01:19.800]hook [01:21.066]这里是唇枪舌剑最顶级的IP [01:23.353]介绍我们点用很多高级词汇排比 [01:26.176]遇到我们你点趁早举起白旗 [01:28.453]因为我们上场从来都不会是plan b [01:41.200] [01:42.987]nnip [02:00.780]we dance on beauty shambles [02:02.305]遍布 死去的 body hide on somewhere [02:04.341]suicide boy对着湖边月亮发呆 **** [02:07.591]prepare for evolution under tough stances [02:09.867]get more spallation [02:11.398]I repeat nobody can judge me [02:13.178]public vision 认为I'm a freak (so what) [02:16.235]the truth is follow me **** on me 的 say [02:18.757]I'm anything u not to be [02:21.284]得分不会停在units digit [02:22.590]i will be training every [02:24.103]day里reinvent my way [02:25.374]谁在chasing fortune [02:26.399]money making 太稳 [02:27.926]是你嘴巴太笨 玩的技术太嫩 怪我欺人太甚 [02:31.486]like trash 拼了命保护你垃圾桶里dirty cash [02:34.996]我们早已脱离现实项链镶着ice [02:37.285]心里想的怎么样能做的精细 [02:39.591]恰到好处项链能够放进水银瓶里 [02:41.621] [02:41.882]watch us burnin in tough [02:43.151]不努力就会被杀 [02:43.916] [02:44.424]struggle变的更快像盛开的蔷薇花 [02:46.901]California sunset在LA大道落下 [02:48.937]我在太湖边的雾霾圈里点燃了fire [02:51.721]we dance on beauty shambles [02:52.741]像在living jungle [02:54.007]无论哪路英雄都会轻松被我斩咯 [02:56.304]让我们占领这里旗帜挂起不费什么力 [02:59.340]double IP mdfkin DBC轰炸机 [03:01.384] [03:01.878]hook [03:02.136]这里是唇枪舌剑最顶级的IP [03:04.668]介绍我们点用很多高级词汇排比 [03:07.201]遇到我们你点趁早举起白旗 [03:09.738]因为我们上场从来都不会是plan b