[00:00.000] 作词 : S.Cheebs [00:00.342] 作曲 : S.Cheebs [00:00.685]Dear papa can I be myself this time [00:03.686]Dear mama can I be myself just once [00:07.429]Im lost in the middle of somewhere, [00:09.931]Trynna find my way that leads me to nowhere [00:13.687]Dear papa can I be myself this time [00:16.688]Dear mama can I be myself just once [00:20.934]Just once, just once just once [00:24.434] [00:26.182]我从小到大从未停止寻找方向 [00:29.435]听爸妈的话那又是谁的梦想 [00:32.690]受尽了责骂是中国式的成长 [00:35.188]伤疤被刻下自卑是他的症状 [00:38.689]看不得别人的好又有几个真的想成功 [00:41.935]难道真要活到老才发现自己醉死梦中 [00:45.184]有时我也会祈祷双手合十问问天空 [00:48.691]是不是爬的越高掉下来就会摔得更痛 [00:51.439]不怕跌倒只怕骄傲所有绊脚石都做好记号 [00:54.679]回到学校保持低调努力的痕迹全被我抹掉 [00:57.936]继续礼貌不能浮躁路途的艰辛你不必知道 [01:00.938]一帮配角继续嘲笑我的成功永远不会迟到 [01:04.187]Past 20 years I’ve been running round in circles [01:07.440]alone in the dark, trying light up my sparkles [01:10.681]Loosing my feeling, loosing my cool [01:13.934]Asking myself, do i still have a purpose [01:16.937] [01:17.186]Dear papa can I be myself this time [01:20.681]Dear mama can I be myself just once [01:24.184]Im lost in the middle of somewhere, [01:26.683]Trynna find my way that leads me to nowhere [01:30.438]Dear papa can I be myself this time [01:33.439]Dear mama can I be myself just once [01:37.437]Just once, just once just once [01:40.438] [01:43.189]背井离乡的日子已经好几个月 [01:46.189]耳机里还放着几个月前的音乐 [01:49.429]环境在变,世界在变,唯有自己的初心不变 [01:52.682]对于过去的事物还保留了一丝留恋 [01:55.936]what if 有些东西永远回不到原来 [01:58.937]what if 时间也会将梦想慢慢掩埋 [02:02.189]what if 哑巴吃了黄连有苦说不出来 [02:05.431]what if what if what if what if [02:08.684]外人看来他很阳光 很positive [02:11.936]但他很少卸去伪装 it’s the opposite [02:15.190]谁又知道他的生活过的多么小心 [02:18.182]其实男孩心中也有一颗玻璃心 [02:21.432]一个人的深夜偷偷红了他的眼眶 [02:24.685]不止一次偷偷梦回了高中时光 [02:27.689]这就是他的现状,不停的跌跌撞撞, [02:30.941]心里告诉自己 这就是成长 [02:32.187] [02:34.436]Dear papa can I be myself this time [02:37.435]Dear mama can I be myself just once [02:40.937]Im lost in the middle of somewhere, [02:43.442]Trynna find my way that leads me to nowhere [02:47.181]Dear papa can I be myself this time [02:50.434]Dear mama can I be myself just once [02:54.439]Just once, just once just once