[00:00.000] 作词 : Kopoo/Russell [00:01.000] 作曲 : Kopoo/Russell [00:08.355]MIX BY Kopoo [00:18.130]don't play with me you will die for dat sxxt [00:19.633]take take take take one [00:20.886]i cant feel thing [00:22.137]oh no [00:25.895]心已结冰 heartless yeh bxxch im animal [00:29.152]踩着重庆city心如荒野一样冷漠 [00:32.660]欲望是牢笼我想挣脱 [00:36.921]don't play with me you will die for dat sxxt [00:39.927]cuz im heartless feellin like The Weeknd [00:41.682]把你玻璃心给你击碎 [00:44.187]你想还手 但根本没得机会 [00:50.203]感谢上帝赐予我神奇的能力 [00:55.719]你我之间差距不止一个重量级 [01:00.479]oh god x3 [01:03.736]笼罩上空所以你看不清 [01:14.511]don't play with me you will die for dat sxxt [01:16.766]不追逐金钱 都是金钱 find me [01:19.021]你想要的一切 全部都在我的pocket [01:21.528]手机关机 踩着音符音乐世界修行 [01:24.284]你偷不走的全都刻在我的脑里 [01:26.291]die for dat sxxt 你为了钱 [01:28.798]die for dat sxxt 他为了脸 [01:31.554]i won‘t die for the anything [01:34.811]cuz i want it, i got it [02:11.816](guess what i’m talking about) [02:16.578]On god bless me I'mma make it big anit no cap [02:20.340]达到目的之前每一刻都不得松懈 [02:22.596]我的心头早已冻结 [02:25.352]没有sun rise 那是永夜 [02:27.858]跟他们住在不一样的空间 [02:30.866]你最熟悉的梦魇 [02:35.381]跟兄弟来回穿梭每个city这种感觉像在云上走 [02:37.888]赚得再多都不轻易上头 [02:40.394]莫挨老子 你只是个网友 [02:42.398]你的每首作品都不够硬 [02:45.407]学不到老子些如履薄冰 [02:50.169]So don't play with me u will die for dat sxxt [02:54.677]oh god x3 [02:59.436]So don't play with me u will die for dat sxxt [03:01.691]我的目的地是Hollywood [03:03.945]你还躲在你的家里哭 [03:07.956]把你顺手解决掉只用几分钟 [03:09.210](σ゚∀゚)σ [03:18.986]Oh God bless us [03:48.310]Don't play with me u will die for dat sxxt