[00:00.000] 作词 : G.lover/Caked Up/Yultron [00:00.144] 作曲 : G.lover/Caked Uo/Yultron [00:00.288] 编曲 : G.lover [00:00.434]作曲:Caked Up/Yultron [00:00.691]编曲:G.lover [00:00.934]“Rolling back and seeing a little girl when she undressed.”, [00:01.189]回滚视频 看看那个没穿衣服的女孩,“ [00:01.189]Dress of that was supposed.”, [00:01.687]像她那样穿才是应当的, [00:01.687]“I’m still alive,and kicking.”, [00:01.933]我依旧充满活力, [00:02.186]“With my faith.”, [00:02.432]也依旧怀揣着信念, [00:02.432]"Just what is it that you want to do?", [00:02.686]你到底想干嘛, [00:02.931]“and we wanna get loaded”, [00:03.684]我们想喝得酩酊大醉, [00:04.682]“and we wanna have a good time” [00:05.681]我们想有一段欢乐时光, [00:06.181]“That's what we're gonna do, we're gonna have a good time.那我们就去找乐子吧, [00:07.436]" we're gonna have a party!", [00:08.433]我们要去开派对了! [00:09.638] [00:09.882]Smoking their tree in the VIP(what up),坐在中心卡上吸烟, [00:13.391]Add some OG mob **** security(yo),让那些老暴徒们干翻安保, [00:17.883]Lay me at the table and spraying on the shirt(shirt),把我放在桌上尽情地喷洒我吧, [00:22.142]Girls' lap top(top),我能看到的只有, [00:23.141]All I see is those,女孩们性感的膝盖, [00:26.892]I got a pocket bundle of faces and they are,我有一口袋的面孔 [00:29.641],saying wassup?(wassup),他们对我说“你好吗”, [00:31.138]Mr,Benjamin keeps saying importance,本杰明一直在强调重要性, [00:33.880]ace in my cup(cup cup),可王牌一直在我手中, [00:35.632]California girl with some tatoos on her(yeah),看那个有纹身的加州女孩, [00:40.138]Ass like Kim and a face like Rihanna,臀部像卡戴珊一样性感 脸像日日一样完美 [00:50.281],Ass like×6,看那饱满的臀,Ass×8,我都要流口水了, [00:51.777]Ass like Kim and a face like Rihanna,臀部像卡戴珊一样性感 脸像日日一样完美, [01:12.216]AAAss like ass like,看那性感的臀, [01:14.712]AAAAAss like ass like,圆滚滚的, [01:16.965]AAAss like ass like,翘翘的, [01:23.468]Ass like Kim and a face like Rihanna,臀部像卡戴珊一样性感 脸像日日一样完美,AAAss like ass like,看那圆润的臀,AAAAAss like ass like,想让人捏一把,AAAss like ass like,让我看了之后开心每一天 真好,Ass like Kim and a face like Rihanna,臀部像卡戴珊一样性感 脸像日日一样完美,Smoking their tree in the VIP(what up),坐在中心卡上吸烟,Add some OG mob **** security(yo),让那些老暴徒们干翻安保,Lay me at the table and spraying on the shirt(shirt),把我放在桌上尽情地喷洒我吧,Girls' lap top(top),我能看到的只有,All I see is those,女孩们性感的膝盖,I got a pocket bundle of faces and they are,我有一口袋的面孔,saying wassup?(wassup),他们对我说“你好吗”,Mr,Benjamin keeps saying importance,本杰明一直在强调重要性,ace in my cup(cup cup),可王牌一直在我手中,California girl with some tatoos on her(yeah),看那个有纹身的加州女孩,Ass like Kim and a face like Rihanna,臀部像卡戴珊一样性感 脸像日日一样完美,Ass like×6,看那饱满的臀,Ass×8,我都要流口水了,Ass like Kim and a face like Rihanna,臀部像卡戴珊一样性感 脸像日日一样完美,AAAss like ass like,看那性感的臀,AAAAAss like ass like,圆滚滚的,AAAss like ass like,翘翘的,Ass like Kim and a face like Rihanna,臀部像卡戴珊一样性感 脸像日日一样完美。 分享Caked Up/Yultron的单曲《Ass Like Kim Face Like Rihanna》: ?id=31134525&userid=1415494229 (来自@网易云音乐)