[00:00.33]Hello and welcome to The English We Speak from BBC Learning English. I'm Neil. [00:06.78]Presenting the programme with me today is Li. [00:10.30]She hasn't arrived at the studio yet and I must say that I'm a bit nervous about her arrival. [00:16.84]Something's happened to her recently. she's so unfriendly and even frightening. A real dragon. [00:28.34]What are you saying? Why Neil, why are you not waiting for me? [00:33.11]This guy, honestly, right, come on. I haven't got all day. Give me the script. [00:41.16]Ah, hello, I'm Li. blah, blah, blah, this is rubbish as usual. [00:46.80]Li, what's the matter with you? [00:48.98]What do you mean? Can we get on with this please? [00:51.74]Oh, what a dragon! [00:54.14]What did you say? [01:00.46]I said that you're a dragon, Li. [01:03.71]No I'm not, I'm a rooster. [01:10.98]No, I'm not talking about your Chinese zodiac sign, I mean your personality. [01:17.89]Oh, oh, thanks. [01:20.03]What? [01:21.96]I said thank you. [01:23.55]Li,I called you a dragon that's not a compliment [01:27.55]Neil called me a dragon. To us Chinese this is a great compliment, but he says it's not. I wonder what he means. [01:37.11]Listen to these examples and see if you can get the meaning. [01:41.44]I'm never going to make my deadline with this report. [01:45.00]You should speak to Kate to get an extension. [01:47.70]But I'm too scared of Kate. She's such a dragon. [01:51.01]That's true. She's so unfriendly and scary. She'll probably shout at you. [01:58.83]Oh, that doesn't sound good. You should go to the Doctor's. [02:02.43]I can't face dealing with that dragon at reception. She's always so rude and aggressive. [02:08.32]Yeah, she's the last thing you want to deal with when you're ill. [02:12.27]Ah, now I see that to call someone a dragon in English means something very different to Chinese. [02:19.19]In those examples we have just heard they were using it to describe unfriendly and frightening women. [02:26.04]Can this be right? Neil, are you calling me unfriendly and scary? [02:32.09]Erm. yes. Recently. [02:36.53]Not strong, courageous and determined? This is what we mean in Chinese when we call someone a dragon. [02:44.68]No, I'm afraid not. We use 'dragon' to describe a woman who is unfriendly and frightening. [02:51.40]Oh, that's very interesting. [02:53.58]Yes it is, isn't it? [02:55.00]oh,Hang on, hang on. What do you mean I'm unfriendly? How dare you call me unfriendly. [03:03.09]Well, not usually but recently you have been. [03:05.71]You just wait. I will get my revenge on you for this, you little upstart. Who do you think you are? [03:13.69]Now you're getting scary. [03:15.08]I'll show you what a dragon can do. OK, Li I think I'm going to leave now before you start breathing fire. [03:21.00]Breathing fire? I'll burn you till you're toast.