[00:00.000] 作词 : 米果 [00:01.000] 作曲 : 高桥优 [00:25.077]Back and forth we kept on walking [00:28.084]这一路上走走停停 [00:29.086]Followed trace of juvenile trip [00:31.341]顺着少年漂流的痕迹 [00:32.094]On the platform my first stepping [00:34.598]迈出车站的前一刻 [00:35.350]Some hesitating [00:37.854]竟有些犹豫 [00:38.604]Laughing at the near home timid [00:40.859]不禁笑这近乡情怯 [00:41.861]Who can escape it [00:43.365]仍无可避免 [00:44.116]The sky in Nagano [00:44.868]而长野的天 [00:45.871]So tender like before [00:46.623]依旧那么暖 [00:47.374]Past time showed as wind blow [00:48.125]风吹起了从前 [00:48.876] [00:49.636]With the world my acquaintance [00:51.389]从前初识这世间 [00:52.141]Desire intense [00:52.892]万般流连 [00:53.644]Seemed I could hold universe in hand [00:56.900]看着天边似在眼前 [00:57.904]Was so willing to go through that hell for a chance [01:01.911]也甘愿赴汤蹈火去走它一遍 [01:02.662]Gone through this world so transient [01:04.164]如今走过这世间 [01:04.916]Reminiscent [01:05.667]万般流连 [01:06.669]Profiles I’ve met began to be scanned [01:09.676]翻过岁月不同侧脸 [01:10.677]And never thought I broke into your fence [01:14.682]措不及防闯入你的笑颜 [01:15.432] [01:16.184]What a magnificent world I was trapped [01:19.440]我曾难自拔于世界之大 [01:20.191]Indulged in those imagined haps [01:22.695]也沉溺于其中梦话 [01:23.447]No true or false, no struggle on, no fear for laugh [01:28.205]不得真假 不做挣扎 不惧笑话 [01:28.957]Surging youth I used her face to mark [01:32.217]我曾将青春翻涌成她 [01:32.976]That summer from my gentle strum [01:35.474]也曾指尖弹出盛夏 [01:36.226]Though heart’s so moved, don’t force it let it pass [01:40.983]心之所动 且就随缘去吧 [01:41.735]Walk against the glow, the storm won’t freak me out [01:47.495]逆着光行走 任风吹雨打 [01:57.762] [01:58.513]Short the path we kept on walking [02:01.020]短短的路走走停停 [02:01.772]Longer distance it is getting [02:04.278]也有了几分的距离 [02:05.030]Those I treasure are just stories, or kind of feeling? [02:10.542]不知抚摸的是故事 还是段心情 [02:11.294]Maybe I’m expecting to fight time as enemy [02:16.303]也许期待的不过是 与时间为敌 [02:17.055]Again your face I see [02:17.807]再次看到你 [02:18.560]In the morning breeze [02:19.312]微凉晨光里 [02:20.316]Your smiling's so sweet [02:21.067]笑得很甜蜜 [02:21.820] [02:22.571]With the world my acquaintance [02:24.076]从前初识这世间 [02:25.830]Desire intense [02:26.591]万般流连 [02:27.334]Seemed I could hold universe in hand [02:29.839]看着天边似在眼前 [02:30.590]Was so willing to go through that hell for a chance [02:33.847]也甘愿赴汤蹈火去走它一遍 [02:34.599]Gone through this world so transient [02:37.103]如今走过这世间 [02:37.854]Reminiscent [02:38.606]万般流连 [02:39.357]Profiles I’ve met began to be scanned [02:40.109]翻过岁月不同侧脸 [02:41.864]And never thought I broke into your fence [02:47.376]措不及防闯入你的笑颜 [02:48.127] [02:48.878] [02:49.629]What a magnificent world I was trapped [02:52.132]我曾难自拔于世界之大 [02:52.884]Indulged in those imagined haps [02:55.413]也沉溺于其中梦话 [02:56.164]No true or false, no struggle on, no fear for laugh [03:01.676]不得真假 不做挣扎 不惧笑话 [03:02.428]Surging youth I used her face to mark [03:04.933]我曾将青春翻涌成她 [03:05.935]That summer from my gentle strum [03:08.190]也曾指尖弹出盛夏 [03:08.941]Though heart’s so moved, don’t force it let it pass [03:13.697]心之所动 且就随缘去吧 [03:39.245] [03:41.004]Night wind kissed the white hair hung down your arm [03:44.010]晚风吹起你鬓间的白发 [03:45.011]Gentle blows to heal all the scars [03:47.516]抚平回忆留下的疤 [03:48.268]In your eyes those lights and shades all fall for your laugh [03:52.281]你的眼中 明暗交杂 一笑生花 [03:53.034]Moonlight shields your firm but faltering walk [03:57.044]暮色遮住你蹒跚的步伐 [03:57.796]Walk into the well hidden draw [04:00.051]走进床头藏起的画 [04:01.806]With the head down, silently you talk [04:04.063]画中的你 低着头说话 [04:05.066] [04:05.818]What a magnificent world I’m still trapped [04:08.824]我仍感叹于世界之大 [04:09.827]Loving words still haunting my heart [04:12.081]也沉醉于儿时情话 [04:13.082]No true or false, no struggle on, laughing for what [04:18.598]不剩真假 不做挣扎 无谓笑话 [04:19.350]At last I gave my youth back to her [04:21.855]我终将青春还给了她 [04:22.608]With the summer from my finger [04:24.865]连同指尖弹出的盛夏 [04:25.866]What moved my heart, also let it pass [04:32.104]心之所动 就随风去了 [04:32.857]In the name of love, would you give a hug [04:35.365]以爱之名 你还愿意吗