[00:00.000] 作曲 : 今天睡地板,明天天桥躺 [00:02.179]we jump up and go through the sky [00:06.208]i know we could change our life [00:10.144]till we can handle our life [00:12.549]never do that [00:13.997]we believe we can do that [00:16.675]一步一步爬上那最高的山脊 [00:20.509]不管脚下的满是泥泞还是陷阱 [00:24.395]百分之百我要做真实的自己 [00:28.345]在苦涩过往留下最珍贵的回忆 [00:32.460]保持足够清醒不愚昧跟随新颖 [00:36.366]不轻言放弃直到啃到那块金饼 [00:40.233]这块大蛋糕值得我们努力奋进 [00:45.199]从未垂头丧气我们浑身都充满干劲 [00:48.268]someday you will see [00:50.097]the sunshine above your head [00:52.125]till we in nightmare [00:54.103]wear disguise let's hide and seek [00:56.161]but i know our fate is for real [00:58.651]for real [01:00.149]until we get the sweet fruit [01:02.199]sweet fruit [01:04.177]i know our future is so freaky [01:06.174]but i wish we could be lucky [01:08.194]regardless pain or pleasure [01:10.037]we take them as the same things [01:11.917]without us two [01:13.143]the world will be move [01:15.359]we could keep the faith [01:16.987]don't be in a hurry move [01:20.091]你即将会看到 [01:21.983]自己的渺小 [01:22.938]转身又逃跑 [01:24.263]全身心祷告 [01:26.013]随风而飘 逃之夭夭 [01:28.046]是不是会变得怒火中烧 [01:29.848]老实巴交 不打自招 [01:31.882]怎么场面闹得不可开交 [01:35.774]someday you will see [01:37.785]the sunshine above your head [01:39.857]till we in the maze [01:41.733]wear disguise let's hide and seek [01:43.899]but i know our fate is for real [01:46.796]for real [01:47.856]until we see the rainbow again [01:50.077]Rainbow again [01:52.023]想放弃却又很想证明自己 [01:55.643]太困难要有坚持不懈的决心 [01:59.636]有勇气改变困境 [02:01.773]想挣脱现实束缚 [02:03.535]却不是那么容易的事情 [02:07.674]你将会看到 [02:09.861]世界的广阔 [02:11.542]经历过落魄 [02:13.739]不轻易戳破 [02:15.480]再接再厉 惊天动地 [02:17.497]是不是好像又如虎添翼 [02:19.450]尽心尽力 铺天盖地 [02:21.361]赢得了最后的唯一胜利 [02:23.537]listen up ready all of my guys [02:25.482]let us make a big deal [02:26.913]more than that price [02:27.830]wait a minute give us chance [02:28.906]to get more new try [02:29.784]uh it 's feel so fine [02:31.330]the time is so tight so light so wired [02:33.785]we are so priceless so high so nice [02:37.090]OK that 's fine [02:40.791]We jump up and go through the sky [02:45.144]in end we can handle our life [02:47.657]handle a new life [02:49.369]really good life [02:50.804]we make a big progress so nice