[00:00.000] 作词 : 蓝灯区/啊毅Yeezy/Rick [00:01.000] 作曲 : 蓝灯区/啊毅Yeezy/Rick [00:03.456]封面:Lazy Dope [00:09.701]Mix By Lit青 [00:12.961]all my desires burn em all [00:14.962]take em to fire burn em all [00:16.654]失去更多 I want the more more and more and more [00:19.649]all my desires burn em all [00:21.147]take em to fire burn em all [00:22.902]得到更多 the more in poc more and more and more [00:25.854]burn em all burn em all [00:29.106]burn em all burn em all [00:32.101]burn em all burn em all [00:35.306]burn em all burn em all [00:38.801]欲望太多了 我希望一切从简 [00:41.551]对准我的target目标 红外线再瞄个红点 [00:44.546]先出张新的专辑 找AO做个封面 [00:47.798]兔子睡着了 可一样比你先到达终点 [00:50.999]看我兔子红了眼 got my team 杀红了眼 [00:53.991]头上顶个空的匾 wow你们不会红着脸 [00:56.998]What you gonna do? bro 我知道欲壑难填 [01:00.239]说不出就住口 大多数有口难言 [01:03.999]很幸运 probably 赚到了 第一桶 人民币 你应该偷着乐 [01:07.240]这世界 太多人 等机会 一直等 等到了 绿叶都换了色 [01:10.248]别说大话 站着 就把钱 赚了 最害怕 犯了自大 [01:13.496]欲望别惯着 让他变 胀了 oh god 他会 爆炸释放 [01:16.699]boom boom uh 控制不住 [01:18.197]最后都 走投无路 [01:19.695]破产的企业家落魄无助 [01:21.446]经历欲望的洗牌后刀枪不入 [01:22.944]so cool 于是我不断的调整 [01:25.199]提高了成功的标准 [01:26.638]每段词要写的超狠 [01:27.594]pocket里 more and more more and more thousand [01:30.038]无底洞 I'm about to sink into it [01:33.046]在抵达洞底之前激动也要屏住呼吸 [01:36.287]釜底抽 薪 跌穿低谷弹起 [01:39.294]最后也要在尽头和内心来上一场战役 [01:42.543]all my desires burn em all [01:44.294]take em to fire burn em all [01:46.038]失去更多 I want the more more and more and more [01:49.290]all my desires burn em all [01:50.788]take em to fire burn em all [01:52.539]得到更多 the more in poc more and more and more [01:55.475]burn em all burn em all [01:58.725]burn em all burn em all [02:01.732]burn em all burn em all [02:04.973]burn em all burn em all [02:07.911]发了霉的东西还留着来干嘛 [02:09.409]占地方的垃圾我全丢掉 [02:10.918]那些差不多的乐色当成宝 [02:12.415]紧紧抱着我的臭鞋偷笑 [02:14.111]Uh what are you doing now [02:15.854]功劳与名声你全都要? [02:17.352]别太贪婪别拌到自己的脚 [02:18.861]要做人就别在那学狗叫 uh [02:21.053]Im burning my past. study so fast. [02:22.804]无关的全部都 pass [02:24.559]比你更疯狂,恶毒,果断 [02:26.056]各项指标都是Max [02:27.554]Just test me. i let you see the better me [02:30.002]I m burn myself and destiny [02:31.757]So i rewrite my legacy yeah [02:34.008]别想动摇我的信仰 我跟你们level不同 性格还有点点狡诈 [02:37.503]半吊子跟乱跑调的 什么都不懂的faker 别在我这装老大 [02:40.256]一帮 哑 巴装 傻 都在 等着 我倒 下 [02:43.506]咋了 嘛 看我 把 你们 全部 都秒 杀 [02:46.702]Burning my world 将一切的束缚解脱 yeah yeah [02:49.954]干了再说 我不需要旁白解说 yeah yeah [02:53.204]Keep going 无需在意旁人的反应 [02:56.456]欲望太大 对不起老子莫得感情 [03:00.450]Watch me watch me revival [03:03.700]burning everything im the fire [03:06.952]You can't fight with me , hater [03:10.201]I'm your most terrible neighbor. [03:13.695]Blue Lantern Gang 牛逼!!! [03:16.948]Blue Lantern Gang 万岁!!!