[00:00.00] 作词 : Liue/东北风 [00:01.00] 作曲 : Liue/东北风 [00:02.00] 出品 : 网易云上 [00:20.61]东北风66 [00:21.03] Hook [00:30.75]我拉着你手 [00:31.62]也请求你别走 [00:32.76]路过了家门口没有了挽留 [00:34.47]我写过的作文也没有 continue [00:36.30]她欺骗伤害我 [00:37.35]找几次借口 [00:38.22]我们的故事 [00:39.21]没人能复制 [00:39.96]可每个人都会有自己的故事 [00:41.97]脑海里循环播放 [00:43.74]记忆也偷偷的打开了录制 [00:45.45]东北风 [00:45.63]verse1 [00:45.69] i need you love [00:46.44]我们也许互相救赎 [00:47.76]不需要被人定义 [00:48.60]亦或者是被谁束缚 [00:49.62]我们度过365个日夜 [00:51.12]我无法触碰 [00:51.90]最终还是变成解不开的数独 [00:53.13] i need you love [00:53.73] i need you love [00:54.81]偶尔也思考着她说的话 [00:56.52]她抱着我又哭得稀里哗啦 [00:58.41]她靠着我在耳边叽叽喳喳 [01:00.24]我想把这爱都揣进我的兜里 [01:02.19]我只想要着快乐我并不想要忧郁 [01:03.99]她欺骗我的太多我去选择相信 homie [01:05.79]她辜负我的太多我把情绪放进抽屉 [01:07.62] I feel the pain I feel the loney [01:09.66]经历了跌倒又快速的爬起 [01:11.37]走到了现在又谈何的容易 [01:13.20]泥土中泛起着潮湿的空气 [01:15.09] Liue: [01:15.18] How you on my mind like24/7 [01:17.31] Too beautiful baby you heaven [01:18.81] Every time I write these lyrics you know its bout you got me thinking of it all this morning [01:22.50] You deserve it all [01:23.55] When you say it’ s over really was the love that you wanna withdrawal [01:26.04] And my money stay long [01:27.18] Just like are calls that I hope never ends no more my love [01:29.79]什么时候加到你的微信 [01:31.08]什么时候放弃 [01:32.01]我的每句歌词里面都能提到你 [01:33.93]跟你拍个照片 [01:34.83]我靠坏了相机 [01:35.70]就连老天爷都不想不想让我得到你 Yea [01:38.01]难道这是我们的结局 [01:39.45]给我一个理由让我跟你一起继续 [01:41.34] Feel the pain feel the pain夺走我的记忆 [01:43.11] Don’ t wanna vibe with out you to a boring cd [01:44.94]如果能有一个世界只有我和你 than I’ ll call that world utopia [01:48.15] When you need me better call me girl ain’ t no need to be shy cause I do it for the only us [01:51.87] Don’ t run don’ t drip [01:53.34] I ain’ t tryna drill shit [01:54.18] Right now but I keep my clip [01:55.62] This time won’ t miss [01:56.58] Cause I got my grip [01:58.35] And I learned to fit cause [01:59.25] Uh huh [01:59.94]东北风 xliue [02:00.27] I feel the pain I feel the loney [02:02.31]经历了跌倒又快速的爬起 [02:04.32]走到了现在又谈何的容易 [02:05.46]泥土中泛起着潮湿的空气 [02:07.17]她喜欢的是脖子上面绑着一块皮带答应过的生活以后会变愉快 [02:10.44]时间长了也往往总会去发生一些意外像电次赴约后也再也没有见到蕾塞