[00:03.654] In the Spirit of God [00:05.772] In the Spirit of the Ancestors [00:08.652] In the Spirit of the Black Panthers [00:11.888] In the Spirit of Assata Shakur [00:14.621] We make this movement towards freedom [00:17.193] For all those who have been oppressed, and all those in the struggle [00:21.298] Yeah. yo, check it- [00:23.725] There were lights and sirens, gunshots firing [00:26.977] Cover your eyes as I describe a scene so violent [00:29.693] Seemed like a bad dream, she laid in a blood puddle [00:32.611] Blood bubbled in her chest, cold air brushed against open flesh [00:36.865] No room to rest, pain consumed each breath [00:40.352] Shot twice with her hands up [00:41.738] Police questioned but shot before she answered [00:44.709] One Panther lost his life, the other ran for his [00:48.015] Scandalous the police were as they kicked and beat her [00:50.649] Comprehension she was beyond, trying to hold on [00:53.396] To life. She thought she'd live with no arm [00:56.318] That's what it felt like, got to the hospital, eyes held tight [00:59.267] They moved her room to room-she could tell by the light [01:01.449] Handcuffed tight to the bed, through her skin it bit [01:04.263] Put guns to her head, every word she got hit [01:06.971] "Who shot the trooper?" they asked her [01:08.645] Put mace in her eyes, threatened to blast her [01:11.420] Her mind raced till things got still [01:13.592] Opened her eyes, realized she's next to her best friend who got killed [01:17.565] She got chills, they told her: that's where she would be next [01:20.547] Hurt mixed wit anger, survival was a reflex [01:23.123] They lied and denied visits from her lawyer [01:25.669] But she was building as they tried to destroy her [01:28.420] If it wasn't for this German nurse they would've served her worse [01:30.874] I read this sister's story, knew that it deserved a verse [01:33.713] I wonder what would happen if that would've been me? [01:36.182] All of this just so we could be free [01:38.204] So dig it, y'all [01:49.674] I'm thinking of Assata, yes [01:55.081] Listen to my love, Assata, yes [02:00.038] Your power and pride is beautiful [02:05.325] May God bless your soul [02:10.718] It seemed like the middle of the night when the law awakened her [02:13.820] Walkie-talkies crackling, I see them when they're taking her [02:16.589] Though she kind of knew [02:17.820] What made the ride peaceful was the trees and the sky was blue [02:21.026] Arrived to ********* Prison about 6 in the morning [02:24.163] Uneasy as they pushed her to the second floor in [02:27.289] A cell, one cot, no window, facing hell [02:29.550] Put in the basement of a prison with all males [02:32.339] And the smell of misery, seatless toilets and centipedes [02:34.734] She'd exercise, paint, and begin to read [02:37.608] Two years in a hole, her soul grew weak [02:40.385] Away from people so long she forgot how to speak [02:42.912] She discovered freedom is a unspoken sound [02:45.531] And a wall is a wall and can be broken down [02:48.287] Found peace in the Panthers she went on trial with [02:51.006] One of the brothers she had a child with [02:53.643] The foulness they would feed her, hoping she's lose her seed [02:56.282] Held tight, knowing the fight would live through this seed [02:59.010] In need of a doctor, from her stomach she'd bleed [03:01.588] Out of this situation a girl was conceived [03:04.407] Separated from her, left to mother the Revolution [03:07.500] And lactated to attack hate [03:09.601] Cause federal and state was built for a Black fate [03:12.286] Her emptiness was filled with beatings and court dates [03:14.966] They fabricated cases, hoping one would stick [03:17.560] And said she robbed places that didn't exist [03:20.117] In the midst of threats on her life and being caged with Aryan whites [03:22.969] Through dark halls of hate she carried the light [03:25.605] I wonder what would happen if that would've been me [03:28.169] All of this just so we could be free [03:30.341] Yeah, I often wonder what would happen if that would've been me [03:33.382] All of this just so we could be free [03:35.276] So dig it, people [03:36.009] I'm thinking of Assata, yes [03:41.590] Listen to my love, Assata, yes [03:46.644] Your power and pride is beautiful [03:52.345] May God bless your soul [04:17.786] Yo, from North Carolina her grandmother would bring [04:21.593] News that she had had a dream [04:23.762] Her dreams always meant what they needed them to mean [04:26.368] What made them real was the action in between [04:28.927] She dreamt that Assata was free in their old house in Queens [04:32.378] The fact that they always came true was the thing [04:34.871] Assata had been convicted of a murder she couldn't of done [04:37.651] Medical evidence shown she couldn't have shot the gun [04:40.368] It's time for her to see the sun from the other side [04:43.016] Time for her daughter to be by her mother's side [04:45.584] Time for this beautiful woman to become soft again [04:48.205] Time for her to breathe, and not be told how or when [04:51.009] She untangled the chains and escaped the pain [04:53.496] How she broke out of prison I could never explain [04:56.100] And even to this day they try to get to her [04:58.789] But she's free with political asylum in Cuba [05:01.648] I’m thinking of Assata, yeah [05:06.772] Listen to my love, Assata, yeah [05:12.187] We’re molded from the same mud, Assata [05:17.375] We share the same blood, Assata, yeah [05:22.722] Your power and pride, so beautiful [05:28.022] May God bless your soul [05:33.358] Your power and pride, so beautiful [05:38.623] May God bless your soul [05:57.575] Freedom? You're asking me about freedom? You're asking me about freedom? [06:07.131] I'll be honest with you. [06:09.912] I know a whole more about what freedom isn't than about what it is, [06:18.012] because I've never been free. [06:20.521] I can only share my vision with you of the future, about what freedom is [06:29.666] The way I see it, freedom is-- is the right to grow, is the right to [06:36.327] Blossom. Freedom is-- is the right to be yourself, to be who you are, [06:43.633] to be who you wanna be, to do what you wanna do--