[00:00.000] 作词 : 你找俞星河关我鱼腥盒什么事 [00:01.000] 作曲 : 你找俞星河关我鱼腥盒什么事 [00:16.925]从现在 到达遥远的未来 [00:18.426]oh [00:23.426]不理睬 是否被意外破坏 [00:24.676]no [00:25.675]踏上星海 [00:30.427]Ain't got nothing but a dream till I reach the blue sky [00:34.926]无畏恐惧之中汹涌波涛 [00:39.176]扬帆起航 [00:42.176]险些迷失方向的map [00:45.926]当光芒消失就不再 [00:49.176]用余生做筹码 点亮整个夜晚 [00:50.926]Gonna light up the sky [00:53.676]登上星辰大海再眺望 [00:58.676]所谓缥缈彼方 又怎样 [01:02.176]繁星作船桨 再疯狂 [01:07.927]We shine like aurora [01:14.676]趁极光还潇洒 [01:27.926]We shine like aurora [01:41.426]We shine like aurora [01:42.427]踏上星海 [01:47.426]Ain't got nothing but a dream till I reach the blue sky [01:51.926]无畏恐惧之中汹涌波涛 [01:53.429]扬帆起航 [01:55.176]I know that I'm not a [01:55.927]lone [01:59.428]险些迷失方向的map [02:02.676]当光芒消失就不再 [02:05.928]用余生做筹码 点亮整个夜晚 [02:07.678]Gonna light up the sky [02:10.427]登上星辰大海再眺望 [02:15.427]所谓缥缈彼方 又怎样 [02:18.928]繁星作船桨 再疯狂 [02:24.928]We shine like aurora [02:27.429]趁极光还潇洒 [02:31.678]Yeah Till I see the twilight [02:44.177]We shine like aurora