[00:00.000] 作词 : ...../VN [00:00.494] 作曲 : ...../VN [00:00.988]混音:by lilking [00:03.318]编曲:prod by Ljx Ghost [00:04.654]演唱者:般若 VN [00:18.138]般若:I got box of bullet in my car [00:18.138](一箱子弹在我车上) [00:20.042]My beauty black suit hiddin in my favort bar [00:20.042](西装在酒吧里) [00:22.187]I think i got move Gather my team and open the way [00:22.187](我想我得走了 集合我的队伍开路) [00:24.517]You can't guess what I'm going to do boy [00:27.231]right? [00:27.657]head shot Loading up [00:27.657](爆头 装弹) [00:28.635]Proo mortal guys I'm a legend [00:28.635](你无法穿过我的防线) [00:29.829]I want to see your shivering reactionw [00:29.829](我想看看你的发抖的反应) [00:32.003]I may be a pervert in front of you [00:32.003](我在你面前一直是个变态) [00:34.248]You're still training your horse. I'm training my dragon [00:34.248](你还在训练马我在训练我的龙) [00:36.677]Your meat is fresh clothes so fashion [00:36.677](你的肉很新鲜穿的很攒劲) [00:38.522]Just cut up you and put you on my table [00:38.522](迫不及待想切碎你摆上桌) [00:40.838]Don't call help you gonnt no way out [00:40.838](别想了你无路可退) [00:43.310]Just let me eat and get the next level [00:43.310](让我吃了然后升级吧) [00:45.740]so body put up [00:45.740](别跑了) [00:46.692]I'll cook you because I'm the chef [00:46.692](本主厨会烹饪你) [00:48.169]so body put up [00:48.169](别跑了) [00:48.880]You just like a piece of beef [00:48.880]你就像一块牛排) [00:50.116]so body put up [00:50.116](别跑了) [00:51.025]Sorry, we don't support change [00:51.025](宝贝我们不收零钱) [00:52.404]so body put up [00:52.404](别跑了) [00:53.313]I know you gusee waht I mean [00:53.313](你懂我意思) [01:03.569]VN:yeah,always keep on my way [01:06.011]面对什么样的敌人都保持绝对 [01:08.298]on mercy,除了homie全都不配 [01:10.444]因为你的韵脚词汇停留在十年前的储备 [01:12.959]VN:搭配般若你现在休想撤退 [01:15.204]轻松把你击溃再击碎你这鸡肋 [01:17.733]强你几倍,组成西北参议会 [01:19.864]我们帅的就像教父把脊背靠在椅背 [01:22.009]我的报童帽里藏着的刀片打磨的锋利 [01:24.396]总有面色潮红的bitches为我沐浴更衣 [01:26.542]一路从东走到西,每次出手都是暴击 [01:28.772]想和我拍照预约登记,再把你的诚意呈递 [01:31.117]我们不欢迎废的加入 [01:33.390]请你快把皮夹住 [01:34.541]要对fake疯狂杀戮 [01:35.877]驾驶战斗机加速 [01:36.971]用镭射把所有的障碍拔除 [01:38.022]用我的滑步画图在我弹药库的新画布 [01:40.779]般若:Stop [01:40.779](等等) [01:42.510]I got go [01:42.510](我得走了) [01:44.514]给你的声带打开一条九毫米的洞发动我的 [01:47.270]汽车处理你办的后事 [01:48.890]VN:把你透视你发现你已透支, [01:51.263]当下是属于我们时代别再重提旧事 [01:53.664]我的生意开始慢慢变的国际化从北疆南疆一路卖到加州西海岸 [01:57.997]从小的零件产品帽子里的刀片还有中餐西餐和你刚刚点的煲仔饭 [02:03.141]VN:属于你的那颗星光开始有点暗淡 [02:04.988]怎么看向我们目光开始焕散 [02:07.091]不惧怕挑战哪怕前路漫漫 [02:09.520]打下一片天地再去欣赏水何澹澹 [02:11.950]般若:烟雾 缭绕 晃着 你已 被我 包围 [02:14.706]别想 逃跑 最好 快点 给我 下跪 [02:16.710]你惊恐的眼神 baby please hush [02:18.898]我保证这一切很快不会有痛苦 [02:21.185]VN:计划修订完美不会有差池 [02:23.658]把对手捕捉圈养就像群动物 [02:25.988]我们就是黑怕驻新疆的大使 [02:28.332]再像佩恩一样让你理解痛楚 [02:30.662]般若:I use humanbady to prepare my dinner [02:30.662](用你来准备我的晚餐) [02:32.666]The side dish is your lover sweet little finger [02:32.666](甜点是你的小拇指) [02:34.953]Don't worry, I won't pull the mathe **** trigger [02:34.953](放心我不会那么快下手) [02:37.525]listen to you heart beat like [02:37.525](想听听你的的心跳) [02:40.166]God Father God Father we will mecey you [02:40.166](教父会宽恕你) [02:42.254]if you have some price and let we use you [02:42.254](如果你为我所用) [02:44.428]if you let us mad we will take you down [02:44.428](耍滑头会被干掉) [02:46.645]after all you just little funny dog [02:46.645](毕竟你只是一条有趣的狗)